The Games Final Day

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Tate McHardy P.O.V

Last night Xeno's was the only face in the sky so I'm guessing Odin's still got an ally or two or he would've been up there too.

Man, it's freezing outside today. My jacket that I entered the arena in gives off no warmth. Why the hell is it so cold?

It's actually snowing. The arena is covered in a thick, white layer of the stuff. Melina's shivering. Crap. I rip open my pack and pull out both heavy duty jackets from the feast. I dress Melina in hers, then throw mine on.

This must've been a trick from the Gamemaker's. Anyone who doesn't have their pack will have to hunt down others who have anything. Sneaky on the Gamemaker's part. Melina rolls over, probably hoping for another couple hours of sleep.

I'm pretty worried about the next few days. As much as I want to believe the fact that Melina will have my back to the end, I'm pretty sure she deeply wants win and will doing anything to do it.

Still, I could never kill a twelve-year-old. It would almost be like killing Semus, considering that I know Melina so well.

Even if I die, I want to die as myself.

Sparkle Gold P.O.V

Things started to go wrong about an hour ago. The second Tiffany woke up this morning we knew something was wrong. Well first off, it was freezing. After we put on our coats we realized that since we have the District 1 pack Odin will totally be after us, and knowing Odin, Katelyn'll probably be with him. Hopefully someone got to her pack first. Look how well that turned out.

We ran for over two hours till then found us. Katelyn, with Odin. They both look freezing. Neither have the coats we're wearing. I wonder who got Katelyn's pack. Obviously not her. Anyways, now we're in a full scale fight with her and Odin. Oh the fun.

"You two are such sneaks." Katelyn says. I'm slightly confused.

"Um, why?" Tiffany asks, as if reading my thoughts. I'm guessing Katelyn's brain isn't working properly. I hold back a snicker, she was the one who ended our alliance.

"That traitor should know." She says, pointing to me. Tiffany only rolls her eyes. Probably not the best idea at the moment. I draw my daggers, Tiffany her spear.

"Are we gonna fight?" Odin asks. His eye is badly swollen. What happened?

"What do you think?" Tiffany says, she charges. No! Odin flings her into a tree. Out cold.

"No!" I scream. Katelyn charges at her. I stab one of my daggers deep into her shoulder. She curses. This isn't gonna last for long.

"Help me." I whisper under my breath. I slam Katelyn's head into the tree. She's out. Maybe I stand a chance.

"Forget about me?" Odin says.

"I thought you were crippled." I joke.

"Shouldn't count me out that easily." He says, a smile creeping onto his face. Shoot. I stand between Tiffany and Odin. Katelyn's only a few trees away from Tiffany. Hopefully she doesn't get up.

"Sparkle you know you can't beat me." He says.

"Don't you dare count me out!" I sprint at him. He swings his mace. I barely side step. I slash my daggers at him at top speed. He keeps blocking. I'm still trying to make sure I don't get my head taken off by that mace of his.

My best bet is to get him in his good eye. I don't know how well he can see, considering it's swollen. If I can do that I might be able to beat him. I charge again, aimming straight for his eye. He swats me away with his muscular arm. I'm whipped into a tree. Dots cloud my eyes.

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