Victors Interview

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Tate McHardy P.O.V

I still can't believe I've won the Games. It seems like a blur. All I've wanted to do since then is curl up into a little ball and head home to Semus. Sadly, I'll have to get through my victor interview first. How fun. Not.

Oh well, I'll just have to get this over with, then hello Galloway! Until I remember I won't have to live that poverty filled place anymore. I'll be living in the Victors Village. I'll be out of the place I've always wanted to get away from. It seems unreal.

"Tate McHardy you're on!" Shouts a Capitol attendant. The platform I'm standing on slowly starts to rise, and before I know it I'm standing before the Capitol crowd. There's a huge round of applause.

I lift my gorgeous teal blue dress up a bit so I can walk in my heels. Please don't let me trip! I take my seat across from Hazel Bellon, and even worse, Nate Kingsly. What the hell is he doing here? Since when did he become an interviewer!?

"Tate, you had quite the Games, how did it feel to win." Nate asks. Ugh, could this be any more awkward. My final kill was one of his tributes!

"It was ok I guess. I hated watching the people I came to love die." I say, a stone expression on my face.

"Melina?" Hazel asks.

"Izzy too, pretty much everyone but those bloodthirsty Careers." I say.

"Oh." Is all Nate says. With that they start to play the highlights of the Games. There's the Pre-Arena stuff, then the bloodbath, which is as horrible as ever. Then through the days. I seriously can't believe Odin killed so many people, and all the drama with siblings in the Games and some crazy story about Izzy's sister liking Katelyn's dead brother. The Capitol's claiming these are the "best games ever."

"Tate what are you looking foreword to most after winning the Games?" Hazel asks.

"Besides getting out of my rotten neighbourhood? Well, I can't wait to see my brother." I say.

"Of course, I remember I was pretty excited to see my family too." Says Nate, causing Hazel to giggle. Jerk! He manages to brag about himself in my interview! Self absorbed much?

"Who wouldn't want to see Nate?" Hazel jokes. I roll my eyes.

"Well Tate thanks for making these the best ever! Can't wait to see you for the victory tour!" Hazel chirps.

"And mentoring next years Games!" Nate adds.

"Thanks Tate, congratulations!" Hazel concludes. The victors crown is placed upon my head. Finally, time to head home.

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