Chapter 2: The Lion War

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King Kion and Queen Rani's life at the Tree of life.

Story wrote by Wolfie.Kingxx52. 

The Lion War

Rani wakes up, laying down on Kion's chest, she begins to wonder why her body keeps moving her on to Kion. She zones back as she hears the running of one of the Night pride members coming down into the lair, this running sound also wakes Kion.

Surak comes running down into the lair in a hurry.

"Queen Rani, King Kion, we need you! There is a group of lions fighting near the mountain pass entrance.

"Lions?" asks Rani.

"Yes, lions, and we have to go now!" Surak implies.

"Let's go, Rani," Kion says as he runs out of the lair with Surak, Rani follows close behind.

As Kion, Rani, and Surak come running down the mountain pass, the Lion Guard and the rest of the Night Pride are trying to break up the fighting lions. They can't get close enough to stop them.

"Hevi kabisa! Lion Guard, Night Pride; get behind me!"

As the Lion Guard and Night Pride retreat behind Kion, he uses the Roar to get the lion's attention.

Seeing the Roar's awesome power, the felines break up their quarrel.

"Everyone stop, or next time I'm gonna hit you!" Kion shouts at the lions in shock.

All of the lion's runoff, but two lions stay. They are known only as Shido and Mrembo.

Shido is a big male lion, likely 20 months old. His younger sister Mrembo is about 17 months old, and her leg is slightly bleeding and looks broken.

"Don't hurt us! We really need to get to the Tree of Life," Shido says.

"We're not going to hurt you, we are the protectors here at the Tree of Life," Rani tells Shido as she steps up.

"You are? Thank god! I am Shido, and this is my younger sister Mrembo. We were in a huge battle; also, she got pretty severely hurt."

"A battle? What happened?" Baliyo asks.

Shido walks up to the group, still standing behind Kion. "It was between our pride and a roaming pride. We lost, and my sister and I barely got out. We are looking for a place to keep us safe, and we heard the Tree of Life was a secure place."

Rani steps forward more to meet him.

"It is, and you and your sister are welcome to stay at the Tree of Life as long as you deem necessary," Rani tells Shido.

"Thank you."

Everyone goes back through the mountain pass. The Lion Guard and Night Pride all go their separate ways until only Kion, Rani, Shido, and Mrembo remain.

Rani shows them where they can rest and help mend Mrembo's broken leg.

"Okay, well, now that we are in the realm, I'm Kion, and this is Rani. We are the rulers of the Tree of Life, and the Circle of Life bounds those who stay here."

"Thank you, and we won't break any of the rules," Shido replies.

"Alright, we'll talk again in the morning," Kion tells the pair.

Kion and Rani walk back to the Tree. As they are walking back, they begin to talk.

Kion yawns, "Well, that took out my morning energy."

King Kion and Queen Rani's Life at the Tree of lifeWhere stories live. Discover now