Chapter 6: Traitors!

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King Kion and Queen Rani's life at the Tree of life

Story Wrote by Wolfie.Kingxx52


Mabaya wakes up before sunrise to prepare for the attack, Shido has already arrived.

"Change of plan," Shido tells Mabaya and his pride.

"What do you mean a 'change of plan'?" Mabaya asks.

"I've brought a little friend," Shido says as a nine-foot Monitor lizard walks under Shido's legs like a lion cub with his dad.

"Oh god, what is that?" Asks one of Mabaya's lions.

"Ssssssss, I am here to help," says the lizard.

"I overheard the honey badger talking about a fight they got into with a monitor lizard in the pride lands, so I think this guy can help us."

"Ssssssthhh, I can only bite a couple of them." the lizard replies with spit coming down his lip.

"Shido, how is he going to help us?"

"I am going to have him bite the hippo and the other two male lions, that way there isn't much of a fight. We leave the eagle, honey badger, and egret alone. They're too small to be a threat."

"Alright, I also have some friends," Mabaya says as three leopards come out from behind him.

"Oh, things just got way easier," Shido says to the group.

"Alright, let's get a move on! We want to get there when the Lion Guard starts to wake up, and the Night pride is getting back from patrol." The lions, leopards, and lizard start their walk to the Tree of Life. This marked the beginning of a long, arduous war.

Back at the Tree, Kion gets up with a jolt. The Great Lions of the Past are practically giving him a stabbing pain as a warning.

Kion grunts as he jumps down from the rock while Rani perks her head up as her pillow just left.

"You okay, Kion?"

"Yeah, I can't tell if I am having a cramp or what."

"Here come back up here."

Kion hops back on to the rock, and Rani pushes him on to his back to relax him a little bit.

Kion and Rani are just waking up; the Night Pride is walking through the last part of their patrol. Surak stops in his tracks, "You guys smell that?"

Baliyo looks around. "Leopard."

Before they can make a move, Surak and Baliyo get tackled by two leopards. Nirmala runs up, trying to help them but gets pushed down by a lion. The monitor lizard bites Surak on the leg before jumping over to Baliyo and biting him too. The leopards and lion runoff as Nirmala sprints over to them.

"You guys, okay?" Nirmala asks.

"Yeah, y-yeah, I'm fine. I just need to walk it off-" Surak says before hitting the ground, the venom from the monitor lizard goes into effect.

Baliyo hits the ground and immediately goes unconscious.

"Ah! Go get help, Nirmala!"

"I can't leave you two here by yourself. What if they come back?"

"They won't!"

Nirmala looks around for help without leaving the area, while back near the Tree, The Lion Guard should be getting up and preparing for their patrol.

Kion and Rani exit their lair as the Lion Guard waits for Kion.

"Come on, Kion, let's go!" Bunga says excitedly.

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