Chapter 19: A Short Celebration

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King Kion and Queen Rani's life at the Tree of life.

Story wrote by Wolfie.Kingxx52.
Story edited by Jigglyturd. 

A Short Celebration.

Shido runs through the forest, covered in blood; he looks back to see a dark lion pop out behind the trees. The lion has a milky eye and can't see out of it, and his chest, covered in a giant laceration in a lightning pattern on his right side.

"You can't keep running, Shido," The lion says.

Shido turns around. "Look at what I did to your friends; you really want to step up?" Shido says before he notices more lions running behind the strange lion. "You gotta be kidding me," Shido says as he turns around and begins running the other direction.

As Shido runs through the brush, he realizes he can't outrun them. Shido is covered in blood, and the lions can search by smelling for him. Shido stops in his tracks; he looks down at his right paw, it glows a fiery red. He turns around with a smirk.

The lions run towards him as he lunges at the closest lion. The lion swipes as Shido ducks and hits the lion in the chest; a light shockwave explodes as Shido makes contact with his chest.

The lion gets sent flying back as the other lions stop. Shido's paw stops glowing as he turns around and keeps running.

Over at the Tree of Life however, the sun is soon to set as Rani walks into the lair, she walks down to see Simba on the rock as Nirmala talks to him with Vitani sitting by, she looks over at Makini as she lays against Baliyo as he sleeps.

She stands at the entrance as Surak walks down, "Everything alright, Queen Rani? Surak asks.

"Yeah, I just thought Kion was down here," Rani replies.

Surak looks around in the lair and turns back to Rani and shrugs.

"I'll go find him," Rani says as she turns around and walks out.

She exits the liar as Surak follows. She stands at the entrance and looks around before Surak walks up next to her.

"Do you know where he could be?" Surak asks.

"Yeah, I think I got a pretty good idea," Rani smirks.

Over at the cliff walls, Kion approaches the edge. The sun is beginning to set as he looks up, "Grandfather Mufasa?" Kion calls.

The clouds roll as Mufasa appears, "Kion, It's been quite some time," Mufasa says as his voice echoes.

"It's been hectic around here," Kion replies.

"I was starting to worry that something terrible happened."

"Well, that's one way of putting it," Kion chuckles.

Mufasa raises an eyebrow.

"Scar, uhh... Scar got resurrected for a while," Kion says.

Mufasa's eyes widen "I- Is everything alright?" Mufasa stammers.

"Yeah- yeah, he's uh, he's taken care of," Kion replies.

"That shows you nothing can stop you," Mufasa says.

"Right," Kion replies.

"Even a lion back from the dead," Mufasa chuckles.

"I'm sorry I never got around to telling you, it's just been hectic around here," Kion says.

"A good king always takes care of his lands, and by the way I can see it, you've been taking care of your lands very well."

Kion smirks, "Thanks, Grandfather," Kion replies.

King Kion and Queen Rani's Life at the Tree of lifeWhere stories live. Discover now