Chapter 9: That Feline Love

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Kion wakes up with Rani lying on his chest. Kion looks at the lioness in her deep sleep. Rani wakes up and sees him peering into her eyes.

"Well, good morning Kion," Rani says with a smile.

"Morning," Kion says back, smirking.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"What? Am I not allowed to look at my cute queen?" Kion asks sarcastically.

"You think I'm cute?" Rani slyly retorts.


Rani gets up, letting Kion follow. They both hop down, and as Kion begins to stretch, Rani licks the side of his face. Kion looks over at Rani as she puts her head under Kion's, she starts to cuddle as he begins to speak.

"I love you, Kion."

Kion feels shocked to hear that from Rani so early in their relationship. Kion responds quickly, trying not to be awkward, "I love you too."

"KION!" Bunga yells down the tunnel of the lair. Kion and Rani walk up to see Makini shushing the loud honey badger.

"Morning, Bunga. How was your night with Binga?"

"Hey, shush! Don't need to tell everyone."

"Well, don't yell in my lair," Kion chuckles, Kion looks over at Rani. She smiles at him, Kion clears his throat. "Our lair."

"Oh, Bunga, did you have a good night with Binga?" Ono asks.

"None of your beeswax Ono. I bet you and Anga do things," Bunga replies.

"Oh, so just because we're birds, we have to hook up? And besides, Anga is three times my size, common knowledge really."

Fuli looks around nervously.

"You alright, Fuli?" Rani asks.

"Uh, yeah. Hey Kion, could we talk privately?"

"Uh, okay?" Kion replies.

Fuli walks off with Kion following her.

"Huh, that was weird," Bunga says.

Kion and Fuli get some distance from the group and begin to talk. "So, what's wrong, Fuli?"

"Azaad and I are expecting a cub. Sorry for throwing that right at you, it's just, I don't know what to do."

Kion is a little bit shocked.

"Oh, that's awesome, Fuli!" Kion gets excited, and starts to hop, "So do you need time off, or-?" Kion asks.

"Not now, I am fine. Just... Let's not tell everyone yet, okay?"

"Alright, I understand."

"I'm trusting you, Kion."

Kion is happy for Fuli. Now he gets to see the cheetah he grew up with raise a little cub. Although Kion liked Fuli back then, he is happy for her and Azaad.

Kion and Fuli walk back to the group.

"Well, the Night Pride and I are going to get some rest," Surak tells the group as Kion and Fuli arrive.

"Alright guys, see you later. Goodbye, Baliyo," Rani says as they walk off.

"Well Lion Guard, we better go on patrol. You coming, Kion?" Fuli asks.

"You can take the lead on this one today," Kion replies.

"Alright, Lion Guard, let's go," Fuli says as she and the Guard walk off without Kion.

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