Chapter 10: The Warning

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King Kion and Queen Rani's life at the Tree of life.

Story wrote by Wolfie.Kingxx52. 

The Warning

As the top of the sun peers over the savannah, Simba and his most trusted lionesses, along with Vitani's Guard, prepare to leave the Pridelands.

"Are you sure we need this many lions, Simba?" Vitani asks.

"Well, we want to make sure we've got enough muscle to help out Kion and his pride, just in case Mabaya attacks."

"You think we should have more than one lion staying back to guard the Pride lands? I mean, I don't think Kovu can keep Guard all on his own."

"I can handle it. It'll be good practice for when Kiara and I finally rule this land," Kovu replies.

"Alrighty then," Vitani makes a final comment.

"Okay, everyone; let's get going," Simba says as he hastily leads the lions to the Tree of Life.

As Simba and his pride make their way towards the Tree of Life, Scar and his group begin to scheme.

"So, what're we doing, Scar?" Shabozi asks.

"Why don't we attack one of Kion's friends."

"Like who?"

"Oh, why don't we do that, cheetah?" Mabaya tells both of them.

"Alright, Shabozi, you and your prowl sneak into the Tree of Life and get the jump on her when she's alone," Scar orders.

"That'll be easy," Shabozi interjects, "Cheetahs are not good at fighting back and could easily be overpowered."

Scar sighs, "Just get it done." He begins to walk away.

"Wait, I'm confused. are we killing her or just hurting her?" Shaboiz asks.

"Do whatever you want," Scar says as he disappears into the shadows of the den.


Shabozi leaves and prepares his prowl for an attack.

"Hey, Scar?" Mabaya shouts in the shadows.

Scar groans, "What?" He asks.

"I have some friends that might want to join our cause," Mabaya says as Scar reappears from the dark.

"I'm listening."

"Three tigers want to help us."

"I'm sorry, did you just say, 'three tigers'?"

"Oh, yes."

"Go ahead and bring them down here for me."

"Sure thing Scar," Mabaya leaves to go find the tigers, while Shabozi is already making good progress infiltrating the Tree of Life.

"We need to sneak our way in and stay here for a little while," Shabozi tells his prowl.

The leopards begin their climb up on a cliffside to reach the Tree of Life.

As sunlight shines through the lair of the Tree, Kion wakes up. Rani is holding onto him from behind, and Kion tilts his head over to see if she is awake. As he figured, she's still out cold. Kion tilts his head back to get some extra time.

As a little time goes by, Makini walks down into the lair but pauses when she sees royal pair still sleeping. Kion opens his eyes after catching Makini's scent, and he sees the mandrill just standing at the entrance leaning on her staff. Kion smirks at her as she tiptoes over.

King Kion and Queen Rani's Life at the Tree of lifeWhere stories live. Discover now