Chapter 13: The Roar's Mystery

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King Kion and Queen Rani's life at the Tree of life

Story wrote by Wolfie.Kingxx52, know on discord by Kion#0352
Story edited by PBandGelignite

The Roar's Mystery

As the sun sets at the Tree of Life, Kion, Rani and Makini are down in their lair, helping Kion with the gash on his head. While Kion is busy, Kiara and Kovu walk off to go find a place to sleep. Fuli is still not sure what happened. She's trying to figure it out without being too noisy. Tuni continues to talk to Riya in a calm, consoling manner. All seems good so far. Scar is awfully quiet, working on his plans. Scar knows that his rate of wins to losses isn't good. He keeps trying to think on what he should do to obtain Kion's roar. Scar is done losing; he wants a win, and he wants one now. But, he knows if he tries rushing anything that he might get killed. He only has one last chance to make a final stand, and wants to ensure he's going to win this time.

After Makini leaves, Kion is not in a talking mood. All he wants to do is sleep, and not think about what happened earlier in the day. Rani notices this and makes sure to not upset Kion. As Kion lays down on the rock in the lair, Rani joins him, laying down next to him then rolling over, touching her body to his. She sets her head down on Kion's left arm as he lays his head down on Rani's neck. With no words, they both go to sleep.

Kovu still needs the Tree to fully heal him, but for now, he just has to wait. Kiara and Kovu discuss what happened with Kion, still very worried for him, Kiara wonders what Rani thinks of the whole thing. Kiara and Kovu cuddle up and begin to rest. Makini heads back to her tree and begins to paint until she tires herself out. The Night Pride and Shido begin their patrol as the Lion Guard rests.

The night continues, and everything is still very quiet. The Night Pride will finish patrol early, most likely before sunrise. However, Scar begins looking over the lands as he catches a scent that smells familiar to him, but he'd never caught this scent before. He begins to make it out more, but still can't figure out if it's a male or a female lion. He catches a quick whiff of Zira in the scent, but he knows Zira is dead. He decides to stay in the area until he figures out who it is.

Kion wakes up, with a jolt, but doesn't wake Rani. Kion just had a nightmare with Scar in it, and he can't make out clearly what happened, but he knows that he died in the nightmare, right before he snapped awake. Kion looks over at the tunnel entrance as moonlight pours in the lair. He lays his head back down and tries to go back to sleep. After a while, he eventually succeeds.

The sun begins to rise as Kion hears faint calls of his name.

"Kion," he hears the faint whispers in the back of his mind. He can't tell if it's Rani or not. "Kion," he hears again as he begins to open his eyes, "Come on Kion, it's time to get up," Makini says as she lays her hand on Kion's back. He perks his head up as Makini smiles at him.

"Wake up Rani, while I go wake the Guard," She whispers.

Kion nods, as Makini turns around and leaves, leaving Kion with the task of waking Rani. Kion looks down at her, she had her head between Kion's paws and arms. Kion tilts his head down, then licks the side of her cheek. Rani wakes as she turns her body around to face Kion before she pulls his head down and kisses the side of his cheek. She lets go of him and allows him to get up as she follows. They both walk out of the lair to see Riya and Tuni waiting for them outside.

"Oh, Riya, Tuni; good morning," Rani says as she walks out of the lair with Kion behind her.

"Hey, we're just wondering if we could help out with anything, since we've been a little rude lately," Tuni says before turning her head to Riya.

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