Roman Orgies & Sunshine (11)

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•mild sexual imagery

It was a windy night and rain started to come down. Lily had been watching television in her room. She started, to hear scratching on David's back door, of the house.

"What the hell?" Lily mumbled. "It can't be tree branches scratching on the windows... ah shit better take a look."

Lillia got up and headed to the back door, not even thinking, to put clothes on. David had an 8 foot privacy wall in his backyard. For some reason David loved his houses to have large windows in which you didn't need a pair binoculars, to be a 'peeping Tom'. Lillia was far from modest, usually unless it had been one of those damn Roman Orgies!!

She would get paid well, with gold to just come sing and dance at these events. She had an 'effect' on the crowd and these orgies were the talk, of Rome.

~Brief Time Skip: year 45 C.E.~

It was one night an unexpected visitor came to the grand party of food and writhing bodies in various sex acts. Lilly spotted the man and he was not Roman, from what she could tell. He was most likely Egyptian, by the looks of him. The man had intense brownish red eyes and wavy black hair that made you want to run your fingers through, first thing. She got a bad feeling from this man but why?

He was beautiful!

Then she noticed, no scars and no blemishes to be seen on his nude body. She then put one and one together. There had been a couple of mysterious deaths, at the last two orgies. It has something to do with blood missing. Her stomach dropped into a tight knot and she made sure not to make anymore eye contact.

He was a vampire!

This was the first time she had seen one in person, of the born vampire not created or cursed. She tried not to attract attention and grabbed a robe, that lay next to a pool. Emperor Tiberius and his bathing pools came to Lilly's mind, then she made a sick facial expression. She covered herself up and placed the hood over her head.

At least her gold colored "shield" couldn't be seen, as she was very scared, at this point. Strong emotions always caused the effect. She quietly prayed in Egyptian,"Great Sun Mother and Father of the holy dead, protect me now. Make me invisible to the vampire's senses..."

It was then the challenge became apparent. How does one stealth out of a room full of wiggly bodies?

Lillia slowly raised her left leg, over one couple, in the middle of an orgasm. Then light tiptoeing to the right, ten feet farther and Lilly looked over her shoulder to see if she was safe, when two women pulled her down onto the floor. Lilly groaned, much to the women's approval. The women were on their knees, bending in to kiss Lilly, on each side of the face. Lilly had no time for this and raised her hands then pulled them forward. She grabbed both women's heads and made them, head butt each other.

Now she could move quietly but swiftly, to a room with her possessions, she carried everywhere. Lilly peeked around a pillar to see a horrible sight!

The scene made Emperor Tiberius and the little boys nibbling on his toes, mild to what had gone on, a few minutes earlier. There were four beautiful orgy participants laying down, face turned to the side. There were two women and two men, with their throats ripped open. The blood was running down the walls, of the pool and created a bath, full of blood.

The male vampire was bathing, in the watered down blood, like a pagan god.

She went out the servants door, of the large Roman house and scurried down the street. Her goal was to hit the docks and catch the next available merchant ship, to Egypt. The land of Pharaohs, gold, beer and sunshine, lots and lots of sun.

'Vampires hate sunshine...'she thought.

"Argue with me naked and I'll let you win baby"~unknown

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