The Charity (20)

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~Time Skip modern day~

Lilly was at the museum to re-catalog some of the antiques; she found John, as she was quite unhappy about this year's theme for the charity. It was absolutely the worst, but couldn't be told why.

"John, why does the theme have to be Bram Stoker's Dracula. It's a stupid book and I couldn't even finish reading it!"

"Well maybe if you had finished the book, you would have a higher opinion of it," John slyly stated. "Besides it wasn't me who came up with the suggestion."

Lily's left eyebrow rose and she stared at her friend.

"It was Count Drago's suggestion and he is planning to give a huge donation to us, of course we agreed," John continued. " So you are expected to attend. It has been five years since you last attended, my dear."

"You still want to prostitute me out for a charity? Who do I have to dance with at this event?" Lilly growled out.

"Lilly you offend me, you are a beautiful woman and a grand dancer. You are the image of long ago times," John cooed back.

"So who am I doing?" with intent to embarrass her friend.

"I guess if you want to do it, it is The Count...he insisted and was not happy when I told him, Sir Penwood had one dance with you. That it was traditional..." John's voice trailed off.

"One other thing, there is a book reading the Friday night before the gala on Saturday. You are to attend and help keep the actresses in character. It's at Miss Lucy's family estate."

"John there are only two females, Mina and Lucy, not a third..." Lilly groused.

"Yes, well you look stunning in Victorian clothes and it's a twist, on the three brides concept of the book," John turned and left Lilly glaring.

God, sometimes humans are so pushy.

That house was the last place she wanted to visit again. It was 1897 and Lilly was at the residence. She had felt Vlad's ship arrive in the storm. She had seen him standing outside Lucy's glass door. Lillia thought at first he was there for her. Vlad was dressed in Victorian clothes but his fierce features, made her wet with lust.

She soon saw his attention was drawn to Mina. She was his goal and as Vlad's attention was on Lucy and Mina in the maze, she fled on foot. Lillia didn't stop running until she hit the docks. The next day she was on a ship to America. Lilly's thoughts were interrupted when an arm, gently wrapped around her waist. She knew it was The Count by his slender fingers.

He breathed in her ear and asked, "What seems to have you in such a mood?"

"I don't think you will like the answer..." Lilly replied.

"I would rather hear your thoughts then have you lie to me. I think by now you would know I wouldn't like lies, even white lies," Count Vlad continued to speak in her ear.

"Forgive me my lord but I think it is a poor choice of a theme. I thought the book was so awful, I never managed to finish it."

A chuckle, Lilly didn't expect it, came from Vlad's mouth. "Really? Then you are the first woman, to not be wooed by it. I do so like that about you!"

"Let me guess, there is a possibility,however remote, a relative?" Lilly knew, it was not possible obviously.

"It is an old family rumor probably nothing more than that," as Vlad placed his left arm around her right arm.

"And Lilly, I think we know each other enough, that you do not need to be so formal. It's all right to call me Vlad."

Lilly was starting to get feelings, which she thought was way too soon, since they had only been together about a week. She wondered if she was substituting this human, who looked alot like Vlad, for her undead true love from history.

He paused in walking and turned to face Lilly, " How well do you dance my wild flower?"

"Decent enough I guess. John will tell you different..."

The two put placed arms in the appropriate spots to classical dance. Lilly just relaxed and completely let The Count lead. She lost track of time and let music, from a bygone era, fill her head. Lilla closed her eyes and leaned back a little so that her hair flowed slightly.

A voice broke her from her thoughts, "You dance divinely. "

She realized Vlad was behind her now and clasping his arms around her arms and waist. She noticed he took a deep and a slow inhale, his nose close to her neck.

"What is that perfume you wear all the time? It suits you," he whispered.

Lilly froze, he hated lies but it was exactly what she was going to give him,"It's an old family secret, all the female family members wear it. It comes from wild flowers, Blue Belles."

Vlad nodded his head.

She was lying, it was her natural scent. He had hoped to catch her telling him some more information about her. Though he noted there was a new spice like mixture to it. The Count peered over Lilly's right shoulder, to see two young men doing quick glances and it was, not at him. The two men were studying Lilly's body. She was always most beautiful in green, as like today.

The dress clung to her form, in all the right places.

Vlad tightened his grip, with his head next to hers. He was making sure the two interlopers needed to leave. All Lilly noticed was, he was way too close. He had invaded her personal space and never left.

The Gods, him too?

Lilly had noticed that as of late, she caught the eyes of many men and a few women. How long had it been since the last time? Fifty years?

Oh no! Could Alucard sense it? She needed to get out of England soon!

"Lilly are you ready for some lunch?"

Vlad would now come to the museum everyday to take her to lunch or early dinner. He said, he simply loved having someone stimulating to talk to. They had even had a couple of philosophical debates. Perhaps since he suggested the theme of Dracula, she would hit him with the psychological reasons why women 'wanted' vampires. It wasn't going to be flattering either.

"Ah Vlad, I need to do a working lunch today, recataloging antiquities. Sorry, call me later though," as she walked to the area to go down in the basement.

It was then John came up the stairs in a rushed manner. "David called, he needs to speak to you immediately!"

Lilly pulled her phone only to hear David's ringtone,"laketown" from The Hobbit. David loved J.R.R. Tolkien.

"Hello David, what can I do for you?"

In a weak and shaky voice, "Please come home.."

"I'm coming right now!" as she hung up on the call, she fumbled for her keys and rushed out the door. She could feel tears welling in the corner of her eyes. Now was not the time to cry, she had kept her wits to drive.

Alucard let his eyes slip to red. She spent far too much time with humans! She was immortal but chose to be in their company all the time. Was she using them to hide herself?

As for David, Alucard knew he was dying. Perhaps he was on his last leg and the No Life King could then have Lillia's full attention. Time to pay a visit to David's residence as Baskerville or as Lilly called him, Moddey Dhoo. He had been amazed how far her guard went down when she thought he was some sort of a supernatural dog or fae being.

"Eyes cannot hide a woman's love for a man. And that love should always be respected."
~Viking Beard Sayings

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