Preparations (48)

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"Ylva please come in. The Round Table needs to talk with you on this car surfing plan," Sir Hellsing said.

Ylva replied,"Yes of course."

"The council and I have been discussing this whole plan and feel it is just a bit too..." Penwood paused.

Sir Hellsing stepped in,"Reckless is what he is trying to say. Anything Alucard is involved in on such a scale, has mass deaths. We can not approve this plan."

"Well a constant in the universe besides the speed of light, is Vampire King and death. His sense of humor has improved if that helps..." Ylva giggled.

"Oh dear God..." was said in unison.

"He had no sense of humor when he was called Kazikli Voivode. His brother was a whiny little bitch..."Ylva rolled her eyes.

"You knew him when he was human?" Penwood asked.

"Sir Penwood, pause on that thought...3...2..1."

Ylva whirled around then landed a solid punch to Alucard's face. It broke his nose and shoved the nasal bones into his brain, which of course was like a tickle, to the Vampire King. He just chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist.

The whole Round Table was on edge for two reasons: one she landed a punch on Alucard and two he just laughed.

Ylva growled, "You are so fucking annoying. You were never like this alive. The car surfing is out."

"Well my darling necromancer, summon your army of the dead..." No Life King hummed.

"I have summoned it once, in the park and that was a fluke. It could go all wrong and I animate everything from the cemeteries to the plague pits. Skeletons aren't going to do enough damage just slow them down and scar the psyches of the human population. Though I'm sure you, if you could, would have a big bowl of blood stained popcorn, for that event."

"Did Alucard say necromancer? Like at the British museum?" Penwood asked nervously.

"I currently carry that enchanted material that contains four Pharaonic guards on me, in a bracelet. I suppose I need to summon them for your approval, if needed in combat?"

"By all means Miss Steiger," Penwood replied.

"You will address her as Queen Viken or I'll snack on you Sir Penwood," Alucard flashed his dropped fangs.

"My dark Prince, no snacking on the human, you can snack later on me if need be..."

"Mmm, Penwood you are so lucky she loves you humans so much.." the Vampire King tilted his head and nipped Ylva's neck.

The female vampire elbowed him, "Behave!"

The Round Table didn't know what to make of all this. Alucard being playful, but on a leash of sorts by another vampire, that liked the human race. A very strange sight to be sure. Several of the members cleared their throats.

Ylva flicked a latched lid on an intricate gold bracelet then poured the white sand colored dust out, into her hand. She blew it into the air and said words in ancient Egyptian.  The mummified guards appeared in the pharaonic armour and weapons with shields. Since they were magically animated by Anpu (Anubis), they could yell as a presence attack. The guards made marching chant sounds as they lined up then stood in a military stance.

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