The Hunt (49)

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Universal Studios The Mummy (1999)

How the hell are we doing this again Pip?" Ylva asked.

"Mon Cher...we locate the highest concentration of born turned and drop you there. Then you get them to chase you to Hyde Park. The helicopter is your back up."

"Okay, let's do this..." said Ylva."Keep my baby safe Pip."

The Úlfhéðnar stepped out of her mustang then stood on Notting Hill. Ylva began walking towards Hyde Park. She talked to herself out loud..."Alucard I wish you were here. I feel like the day you chased me into the forest."

'I won't let anything happen to you Dragostea mea, I'm nearby.' Alucard whispered in her mind.

The female vampire sniffed the breeze and closed her eyes. She reopened them to her 360° vision. There were some twenty vampires moving towards her from three directions. Ylva began sprinting but couldn't continue seeing around her, so switched to ultraviolet. Her hearing caught the sound of the 'brush beaters' behind her.

Then the sound of screeching tires and cars crashing, was heard ahead. Ylva pushed harder, reaching the wreck, that was vampire caused. She super leaped onto a freight truck, then another leap, clearing the clogged street.

Ylva couldn't keep the sprint up and discovered the enemy vampires were hunting her like wolves. Vampires tag teamed and ones who hadn't ran, fresh runners, started the chase. They were just going to run her down and swarm.

'Vlad! Kazikli Bey! I can't outrun them! Help me!' she screamed in her head.

There was no answer.

Ylva did now hear gunfire, from Alucard's pistols and Sera's Harkonnen. If the swarm was anything like she was dealing with, Hellsing couldn't offer any help for a while. She used her mouth to pull open the stopper on the Pharaoh's guards. Ylva spoke the ancient words and kept running but even as a vampire, she was beginning to get winded. One second she was running and then, Ylva was picked up by one of the guards.

Then the wreck of bodies occurred.

She was tackled by ten vampires. Ylva was flung into the air, did a flip and performed a series of super leaps. The mummy guard was destroyed and flowed back into the open bracelet. The female vampire began to use her telekinesis, to pull any large objects to hit the swarm. The newly made vampires were taken down but the older ones simply dodged. She was constantly pressed, so as not to be able to summon, or draw a weapon. Her enemy had studied her and had created strong 'children'.

Ylva telekinetically pushed free and super leaped into the air towards the park again. Her right hand produced the rod to activate the fan axe staff and she spoke the words to summon Anpu's army. The female vampire didn't know how many he would send or none at all. She hoped for a Jackal warrior. Then her world went upside down and she was knocked out of the sky, into the ground, to skid across grass. Her hand managed to keep a hold of the weapon. She staggered to her feet, to see one vampire she had hoped never to see again...

Him from the orgy in Rome.

"You do remember me, my dear sweet are quite the hard vixen to catch for a bride, but here you are. Though your choice for company is disgusting at best. A filthy Nosferatu? The very one you should have destroyed yourself?"

"Any of you could have done it," Ylva replied.

"No, that's not the rules and you know it. If a Nosferu is born in the region you reside, it is your responsibility to put them down. You were in his castle. I surely hope, you had enough dignity to not be another bride, to the three he created," the Eygptian vampire said.

"I did in fact but that is no concern of yours..."

"Well time to come back to your people and fulfill your part as my consort. You were promised to me long ago, after I saw you in Rome. Such a shame you didn't stick around. I wouldn't have killed you. Your born vampire and for a mate not sport...though I am going to thoroughly scrub you down, from that piece of shit who fucked you. He is no Vampire King! If he is king then I am a demigod!" The Master Vampire remarked.

Ylva snarled out, "Alucard is not what he seems. Hellsing captured him and enhanced him. He is exceedingly powerful now. No one has found a way to kill him, even decapitation is not enough."

"Then I will kill him in front of you, so you won't think he is going to rescue you from me," he smirked. "I have not properly introduced myself, I am Re'hotpe and I was a prince of Egypt. I know you as Neferure and I shall call you that, from now on. Shall we go?"

It was then, the dark shadow crossed the ground a small distance and bubbled like tar. Forms began to stir from the darkness. The army began to form, one Jackal warrior rose up in the front and began snarling as if giving orders.

"That is quite an impressive Neferure. A fraction of Anpu's army? That maggot king definitely doesn't deserve you now. Come now, take my hand..."

"No!" she screamed.

"So stubborn, that I will have to work that out of you, in time..." Re'hotpe replied as if he was having a cup of tea.

His right hand was a blur then Ylva was unable to breath. Not that she needed to breathe with a severed windpipe but she didn't have a way to summon verbally either. The female vampire tried to run but Ra'hotpe simply knocked her down, grabbed her right foot and jumped into the sky. He had true flight so he flew off with her dangling. She managed to collapse her weapon, and reattach to her belt but that was all. Ylva knew she couldn't fight from in the air and hoped that Alucard could find her.

Alucard was feeling quite cocky at this point.

The vampire threat was neutralized and Anderson decided to have a fight to finish things off. The Vampire King King did enjoy his homicidal attacks with Father Anderson. He had hoped Anderson would kill him in the past, but now he had Ylva, so no longer cared to be killed.

His mood soured when the Jackal warrior came loping up to Alucard and was bellowing at him. The creature struck hard enough to knock him down and placed a foot on his chest. It began to crush him then placed its fan axe staff on his neck, which was doing damage.

"Get off me! I don't know where your summoner is! I can't help you if you kill me, you stupid bipedal dog!" Alucard growled. "Like you actually could."

The Jackal warrior spoke something in ancient Egyptian, that didn't really need to be translated, about the vampire was a dick and should get his ass kicked hard. It took its foot off him and stepped back but glared at the Vampire King.

"Okay, so you're not stupid because you can speak. Can you track?" the vampire asked.

The undead Jackal nodded its head and began to search the park towards Notting Hill. Alucard went off in a parallel direction and began mentally trying to contact Ylva, but was not getting any response, not even a nudge from a push of his mind. She was unconscious or being blocked. If blocked, then there was a master born vampire in control of her. This was most displeasing. He told her she was safe yet he failed to keep her safe. The vampire threat was done. All those former humans changed to vampires simply, so Ylva could be captured.  Even Alucard admitted quite a waste.

"Over here!" yelled Pip.

Alucard stormed over and saw Ylva's torn trench coat with blood and ripped in half. Her tracks stopped at a certain spot.

The Vampire King sighed. "This is a master vampire with flight. I have to wait until the vampire sets down to track Ylva by blood. Time to return to Hellsing for now."

"Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win"

~Sun Tzu, The Art of War

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