extra: Iubita mea

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🌹•Iubitul meu / iubita mea,
[My beloved (if guy/girl)]

🌹•Ma faci sa visez in culori,
[You make me dream in colors]

🌹•Cine-mi place eu nu-i plac, cui plac eu nu-mi place mie. -
[Follow love and it will flee thee; flee love and it will follow thee.]

🌹•Ai aprins flacarea in inima mea,
[You have lighted up the fire in my heart,]

🌹•Iubirea ca moartea e de tare. -
[Love is strong as death.]


Prince Vlad III Drǎculea

Prince Vlad III Drǎculea

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•a lua porcul la trântă: (literally "wrestle with the pig") -means "you should play a little with my dick"

•a da în geantă: to have sexual intercourse (literally "to hit the purse")

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