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you're a tornado with pretty eyes and a heartbeat

AFTER HER FAMILY left the next morning to go back to their lives, Hope had stayed in her room for hours, too busy thinking about Clarke to do anything else

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AFTER HER FAMILY left the next morning to go back to their lives, Hope had stayed in her room for hours, too busy thinking about Clarke to do anything else. Now, not only did Lizzie and Malia point out that she liked Clarke, but so did the rest of her family. And she couldn't help but agree with them. She definitely did like him.

But how, exactly?

Was it just the fast that they were stuck together in Malivore for weeks, only having one another for comfort and safety? Or, was it because she actually liked him?

Running her hand through her hair, she paced back and forth in her room, getting flashbacks of Clarke and her in Malivore. Every moment where he treated her like her, and not a Mikaelson or the tribrid. He treated her like anyone else, and they understood each other on a deeper level. He was the only thing to make her sincerely smile in Malivore, and she won't get started on the fact that they heated up every time they touched one another.

She remembered a quote; girls like boys who remind them of their fathers.

Clarke was pretty much like her father. He tried so hard for his only family, learned to hide his feelings, turned into a different person, and was scared to be alone. And that was when she realized that she was just like her father, too. But, yet, they also both overcame their fears and tried to be better.

She paused in her steps as she looked into a full length mirror, picturing Clarke. All 6'1 of him, with his perfect smile, perfect hair, perfect sculpture. Even from the first time she laid eyes on him, she saw how cute he was. After all, she isn't blind.

His hair, dark and lustrous, had a sheen like fine hardwood. But that comparison isn't entirely fair, she supposed. Hardwood doesn't swish gently like his hair does, swaying with the words he speaks. A shiny varnish caught merely light around it, but the depths of that deep chestnut brown reflected all the radiance of his smile.

"Oh god!" Hope exclaimed, her eyes widening. "I like Clarke!" Her mouth opened in surprise and then before she could even think about the consequences, she ran out of her bedroom, and went around the school, trying to find the boy who took most of the space in her mind.

"Hey!" Hope panted out out as she ran into the gym, coming to a halt as she saw him shirtless and covered in sweat.

Clarke stopped lifting weights and sat them down, turning to face her with emotionless eyes that took her by surprise. "What do you want?" He asked a little too harshly, but he didn't care because his heart was broken. He walked towards the punching back and began hitting it.

"I, uh, I came to talk to you," Hope murmured out as she slowly walked towards him, ignoring the blush on her cheeks, and the butterflies in her stomach. She definitely ignored the tightness in her lower abdomen. "Do you have a moment?"

"No," he told her as he punched the bag harshly, grunting loudly.

"What's wrong?" She asked him with furrowed brows and she flinched as he turned towards her abruptly, an angry look in his eyes.

"Why don't you go talk to your boyfriend, huh?!" He shouted as he approached her, pointing his finger at her. Due to him not wearing something to protect his knuckles, they were cracked and bleeding.

"Clarke..." Hope trailed off with a confused expression. "What are you—"

"I saw you!" He shouted, his sweaty hair sticking to his forehead. "I saw the both of you!"

"What even are you..." She trialed off, a light bulb going off in her head. "Are you talking about Landon?"

He scoffed. "Unless you have another boyfriend around here somewhere!" He shook his head at her, his lips pursed.

"I don't even have one boyfriend, let alone two!" She exclaimed in defense before sighing, trying to calm herself down. "Landon kissed me—"

"I know, I saw," he told her, his voice breaking slightly before he scoffed and walked back towards the punching bag.

She quickly reached out and grabbed his wrist, stopping him from walking away from her. He swiveled around to face her with wild eyes and she stepped back with a frown. "Yes, he kissed me, but—" He cut her off by scoffing. "Listen to me!" She shouted, anger and annoyance clear in her voice. "I didn't kiss him back!"

"Oh, I'm sure you did." He scoffed, letting out a fake laugh which annoyed her to no end. "You looked like you were enjoying it from where I was watching from."

She opened up her mouth before letting out a scoff. "I honestly can't even believe you right now."

"What else am I suppose to think?!" He ran a hand through his hair, flinching due to his knuckles hurting. "Ever since I saw you guys kiss, I haven't seen you. What other reason is there other than the fact you've been hiding out with him?" He turned his back to her. "What do you even see in him? He's boring! He can't even fight for himself."

"If you would just listen!" She shouted and ran around to stand in front of him with determined eyes. "If you would just listen to me, you would know that I don't like him. I like—"

"What? That other boy? MG or whatever his name is?" He asked, staring down at her with narrowed eyes. "You think I don't see how almost everyone in this school looks at you? I mean ser—"

Hope watched him with big eyes before she felt an urge to do something, to shut him up. In a moment, she pressed her lips against his, and she felt his body loosen and arms touch her shoulders. She chuckled slightly before pulling away, looking up into his wide eyes, his pupils dilated. "I had to shut you up so you can listen to me." She got on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against his again with a grin. "I like you, not Landon, and not anyone else."

Clarke just stared down into her eyes with wide, surprised eyes. He then smiled and pulled her into him, kissing her with passion. "I like you too, Hope Mikaelson," he mumbled against her lips before leaning his forehead on hers.

She scrunched up her eyebrows and said, "you need a shower."

He laughed, pulling away from her before shaking his head and pulling her into another kiss. "I don't think i'll ever stop doing this."

She smiled and ran her hands down his sweaty chest. "I want to continue this, but you really need a shower. You stink."

He pulled away with a smirk before pushing her hair behind her ear. "We'll continue this later?" He looked more vulnerable than he did when he had that nightmare all that time ago.

She caressed his cheek and nodded. "Of course. Meet me in my room once you take a shower." She then walked away, swaying her hips, smirking when she heard him groan.

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