Chapter 29

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Momo's POV

I was practicing I just feel to dance today. I mean why not it also help me to burn calories.

After hours I change my clothes and walk to the corridor not until I could hear a shout it's like someone fell really hard.

I continued to walk. Another shout I can't take this anymore what if someone is fighting and killing each other you know. I am following the shout and groan then I stop from the piano room and Saw Dahyun helplessly she have a bruise on her shoulder. I could see Sana's ex Tzuyu I didn't know that she's this bad I thought. When I saw Dahyun stand up weakly I feel sorry for her I don't even know why Sana still love that girl. When I saw Dahyun collapsed my eyes widen and shout.
"DAHYUN!" I said and run Tzuyu is now escaping but Dahyun is more important I mean she passed out. I held her head
"Hey hey Dahyun wake up" I lightly tap her cheeks. That must be sting I thought I saw her bruise on her shoulders and saw some blood stain and a wood with blood stain Is she trying to kill Dahyun?!?! I thought Sana should know about this and Mina. There's a blood stain on her uniform I carry her bridal style. And carefully place her inside the car. That Tzuyu is insane is she trying to kill Dahyun did Dahyun do something to her that lead in physical injury? I thought I drive in my own condo.
I carry her bridal style
And went to my room ofcourse before stepping outside the car I did put some jacket I don't want to look like I murder someone I know how to treat this kind of injury beacuse I use to fight and treat myself or my parents will throw me back to japan.

I gently laid her to my bed. I coud only feel pity to her. I went out out to grab some of my medical kit heheh. I change dahyun clothes don't get me wrong she wear some woman Sando and a cycling I borrow her my shirt and short after cleaning her small cuts and bruise put some ointment and bandages. What wrong with Tzuyu? I look over shake my head. I need to make Tyuzu pay for this tommorow.

It's not my phone it's Dahyun's phone. I answer it Ms.J? The teacher?
"Hello Dahyun where are you?" A worried woman said from the other line.
"Hello I am Hirai Momo I am Dahyun's friend I would like you to inform that Dahyun is currently sleeping I think she's tired" I lied
"Really she must be very tired I guest" She said.
"By the way don't disturb that sleeping beuty and let her have a beuty rest" The woman chuckle
I smile.
"Yes I will" I said shortly.
"Ok thank you Momo-ssi" She said and hang up.

I look over Dahyun I sigh
"SS-omeone h-help" Dahyun whispher and move her head left and right she's having a nightmare that maybe traumatized her from what happend earlier. I quickly approuch her and tap her forehead.
"Shhhhh Dahyun-ah your Momo unnie is here" I said softly she open her eyes abit.
"Momo unnie" she said with teary eyes.
"Shh it's ok I am here I am you Momo unnie" I said softly as I continued to pat her.
"I want a hug~" She said like a kid I secretly giggle I miss my little sister. Open my arm she quickly dive in my arms
"Is she gone?" Dahyun asked
"Yes she's gone your safe now" I whispher softly as I pat her crown. She place her hands in my waist and put her chin in my shoulder. Is she really that scared? I thought.
"I use to this when I am scared" She mumble but I clearly heard it.
Her comfortable position I thought and pat the back of her head. When I feel that she's sleeping again I carefully laid her again in my bed. I sigh miss my sister.
I need Mina's help I thought call Mina.

"Hmm what is it Momo?" She asked like I disturb something did I?
"Need your help" I said.
"Huh what is it?" She asked.
"Just come to my condo" I said
"WAIT bring some food with you" I said.
"Pshh you just making me a delivery girl right now" She said.
"No just come over here and the food don't forget" I said.
"Ok ok Momo-chan" She said and hang up.
After minutes
Mina finally arrived she have the pair key card of my condo.
"Here your food---" She said and quickly put the food in the table then put her palm in her mouth.
"What?" I asked.
"D-did you murder someone there's a blood there" She said and pointed to the towel I use to wipe dahyun's shoulder and clean her small cuts.
"No look who is in my bed room" I said she quickly went in and came back her mouth hanging open.
"What the heck happend to her?" She asked.
"Hmm Sana's ex use a wood spank her shoulder and give her bruise and small cuts" I said calmly.
"What is she out of her mind!?" Mina said.
"What is the true story" Mina acting like a detective I playfully rolled my eyes and start to eat my food specially my jokbal.
I drink my water then take a deep breath telling Mina every detail I saw earlier.
"We should head to office tom to report and see if the cctv's are active that time" Mina said.
"Yup genius" I respond and eat the last bite of my jokbal..
"Sana should know from this and what happend" Mina said.
"Yup I don't know why Sana still love that girl" I said.
"Agree she cheated but Sana is like a big fool who fall in the same person who cheated on her but we can't blame her if we did she will get mad" Mina said she have a point Sana is a big fool falling in the same person who cheat on her but we can't blame her she fell hard for that girl.
"She's going to stay here?" Mina asked I nod.
"How about her parent do they know it?" She asked again.
"Hmmmm nope" I said.
"Eh? So what should we do??" She asked.
"I think Dahyun will be awake later" I said she nod.
After that Mina and me plan something for tom from telling Sana. After a while mina needed to go home her Mom need her.
I went to my bedroom and saw Dahyun sitting in the side of the bed.
"You ok now Dahyun-ah?" I asked softly as I approuch her.
"Yes unnie thank you for saving me back there" she said and smile a bit.
"Did you change my clo--"
"Yes I did"
She blush
"But I didn't do anything"
She nid still blushing probably shy?
"Hmmm so what happend there?" I asked as I try to change the topic.
She sigh and take deep breath she started to tell me the whole story. Plus her background with Tzuyu. I am so shocked from what I heard from Dahyun it's terrifiying bully beaten up?
"Unnie I trust you please keep it between us" She pleaded I smile widely.
"Ok course I will" I said and pat her head.
"Wait you need to tell your mom that your here" I said.
"Ohmy yes yes" She said in panic I gave her phone. She look confused why do I have her phone
"Someone call name Ms. J she said you need to rest" I said.
"Ahhh" she said and nod.
"I need to go home" She said.
"Huh you can stay here" I said.
"Sorry my mom will worry" She said.
"Ok Dahyun-ah" I said she smile.
"Put this on" I said and gave her a hoddie.
"Huh?" She look confused.
"You need to hide those bruise" I respond to the confused tofu.
"Huh thank you so much Momo unnie" She said and smile widely.
"No problem but Sana---" I was cut of when she suddenly speak.
"Please unnie keep this as a secret" She pleaded.
"No please Momo unnie jebal" She said in pleading tone.
"A-h.....I-i.... ok fine" I said and sigh.
"And say it to Mina unnie" She said I nod she smile.
"Thank you" she said and smile.
Seriously Tzuyu beat her up it's like she's ok with it? I thought.
"But we will report this if she did this in second time" I said.
"Yes unnie" she said and smile again.
"I need----"
"I will drive---
"No it's too much I am----
"Nope" I said we stare with each other beacuse we kept on cutting each other's word.
We went out use my car.

~Infront of the of Dahyun's hause~

"Unnie thank you" She said.
"Your thanking me to much kiddo" I said and chuckle.
"Not really" She said.
"Hey dahyun I need to go home now or my dad will kill me" I joke
"Hahah sorry and thank--"
"Stop please" I said she chuckle and nod.
"Bye bye" I said.
"Bye take care" She aid and waved.
I went inside my car and drive away. I smile

Hello so do you want to end it? Hha joke. Find out what's going to happend next chapter have a great day Folks😘

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✔No hate Just love everyone.
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✔ English is not my First story sorry for wrong grammar.
❌ Plagiarism is bad🙅‍♀️
✔ Sorry for wrong spellings.


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