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"Hi, Tanjiro!" I yelled as I waved to him with a big smile

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"Hi, Tanjiro!" I yelled as I waved to him with a big smile. He finally returned from his recent mission against some demons. He didn't reply and I looked at him in surprise.

How odd.

I guess he is just exhausted.

I walk up to him as he trudged up the stairs into the Butterfly Estate. 

"Are you okay?" I asked as he didn't even bother to look at me. He didn't even blink as he continued to trudge to his room. 

"Tanjiro?" I asked concerned wondering what happened.

"Can you just go away," he said as I looked at him in surprise. His usual happiness disappeared as his eyes turned dull. His face was very docile and forlorn as he walked away from me.

Go away?

What does he mean?

"You're really annoying," he said as I just stood there as I watched him walk into his room closing the door.

Does he want to break up with me?

"Y/N?" said a voice as I snapped out of my trance.

"Yeah?" I replied turning around to see Mitsuri.

"You're crying," said Mitsuri as I looked at the wooden floor to see tears. I blink my eyes and looked at her.

"Yeah," I replied as I felt more tears drip out of my eyes like a broken faucet.

"Is it Tanjiro?" she asked concernedly. I nodded as she hugged me as I hugged her back.

"Everything will be fine. He is probably really exhausted and isn't thinking straight," she said as I cried as she rubbed my back consoling me.

"Thanks, Mitsuri," I said as she nodded smiling.

"It's no problem, Y/N," she said as she turned around walking away.

It was already night time. I looked at the sky through the windows, seeing the glimmering stars shine at me. Together, they made a beautiful pattern across the sky as I looked at it in awe. The stars were shining brighter than normal and it was beautiful. Especially with the full moon glowing so brightly. 

I wish Tanjiro was here. 

I walk down the hallway to my room glancing at his room. His door was slightly opened but I walked past it to my room. I shouldn't disturb his rest.

I walk into my room and get ready for bed before covering up and drifting off.

TimeSkip( 1 week)

He has been ignoring me for 1 week

There is something very wrong

I wake up yawning as I hopped out of bed. I quickly get ready for the day and open the door to go to Tanjiro's room.

He was still sleeping and he looked very sad. I wonder what he is dreaming about.

"Tanjiro?" I said as he rolled over to the side.

"Go away, Y/N," he said as he rolled his face into the pillow.

"Tanjiro? What's wrong?" I asked as he turned his head. 

"You know," he said as I saw his eyes filled with anger.

Huh? What did I do?

"You don't even care about me anymore," he said as I looked at him in surprise. 

"You have been trying to deceive me all along, I don't even know why I bothered," he said as I stood there looking at him in shock.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked as he sat up and looked at me.

"Do you even like me Y/N?" he asked as I looked at him in confusion.

" Tanjiro, you know how I feel and yet you ask. Are you trying to say that the past year was for nothing?" I asked.

"Well, I was walking back from my mission just recently and I saw you in the village. I saw you hugging a random guy and you were laughing and smiling. You even grabbed his hand and brought him to a nearby shop. Y/N, do you think I believe you?" he said as I sighed.

"Tanjiro, I have seen you hug, laugh and smile with Nezuko. What makes you think that I can't do that with my younger brother?" I said sighing.

"He was your brother?" he asked as I sighed again.

"Tanjiro, I told you about 10 times, that my brother was visiting me," I said putting up 10 fingers. He looked at me speechless. 

"So, are you happy now?" I asked as he stood up to hug me. I hugged him back as I heard small sniffles.

"Are you okay?" I asked as he nodded.

"I was just so afraid..." he said crying.

"Tanjiro, remember that promise we made last year?" I asked as he nodded.

"You promised to be with me, through thick and thin and even if we were dead, we would still be together," he said.

"I haven't broken that, and I don't plan on doing so," I said as he let go of me and dried his tears.

He cupped my face and tilted his face to kiss me on the lips. I did the same as I blushed a deep red colour.

Soon we let go for air as Tanjiro looked at me. His eyes weren't dull anymore but filled with light.

"Tadaima," he said.(I am back)

"Okaeri," I replied smiling. ( Welcome home.)

NekoNya's Message

Well, here is my chapter for today. Thank you for the 2.2K views. I greatly appreciate it.

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