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"Muichiro?" I asked knocking on his door.

"Go away, Y/N, I am saying this one last time, go AWAY," he said as I sighed.

"Oyakata-sama says I need to go on a mission with you," I said as I heard him sigh as he walked up to the door. He opened the door and pushed past me and walked off.

"Why you of all people," he said frustratedly as he ran off.

"Just because you hate me doesn't mean that you have to go spouting out insults," I said frustratedly.

I honestly want this to stop.

"I am saying the truth, Y/N," he said as I sighed.


"Muichiro, we need to work together," I said as we sprinted through the woods.

"No, I am going by myself. I can't stand being around you, Y/N," he said as I felt my heartthrob.

It maybe wasn't such a good idea after all...

"But.." I said as he stared at me angrily.

"I am sick of you pestering me, leave me alone," he said as I stared at him sprinting further and further away.

"Muichiro!" I yelled as he jumped into the trees nowhere to be seen. I breathed in slowly, careful not to lose my composure and ran down the woods. I carefully wrapped my hands around my katana and suddenly, I heard a small rattle. 

I gripped my katana and assumed a battle stance quickly and prepared. All it did was stand there and look at me.  I let go of my katana and looked at her trying to remember when I last saw her.-

"For a demon, you're pretty docile," I said as she waved at me.

"Oh, you're Nezuko! I remember now, where is your brother?" I asked suddenly remembering the meeting that happened last year.

"Tan-Tanjiro is fighting a demon," said Nezuko as she looked at me.

"Does he need help?" I asked as she nodded. I looked at the trees where Muichiro left and sighed.

 "I will come with you," I said as she ran in between the trees. I followed her and saw Tanjiro bleeding badly as he laid against the side of the wall.

"Tanjiro, Y/N is here!" yelled Nezuko as Tanjiro looked towards both of us.

"Nezuko... Arigatou," he said as he closed his eyes gently smiling. (Arigatou-Thank you)

"Nezuko! Go and help Tanjiro, I will deal with the demon," I said as I swung my sword out. Nezuko rushed to Tanjiro healing him as I fight the demon.

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