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(*You all can tell that my fav character is Muichiro by now XD)


That light grows fainter and fainter every day

I have lost something precious

Those memories that I cherished

Slowly fading away into the distant horizon

"Y/N," said a voice that immediately caught my attention from the movement of the leaves moving back and forth.

"Hello," I said quietly. He looked at me calmly as I stood there waiting for him to reply.

Muichiro's POV

"Y/N, Shinobu needs your help," I said as she nodded and walked off silently.

"Thank you," she said quietly turning around before walking off.

I stood there feeling the breeze blow against my skin as I felt drops of cold rain gently pelt down my face as I turned around to see Giyuu walking around emotionlessly.

As usual

We looked at the clouds silently as we stood in the cold drizzling rain. I could hear Giyuu sigh as I stood there looking at the sky that was painted with grey dark clouds that came in different hues of colours. I could see some birds flying through the rain as I watched in interest.

"I think Shinobu wants you," said Giyuu after a long while.

"Thanks," I said turning around before walking up the stairs dripping wet as I walked towards her room.

I didn't even have to go that far to see Shinobu walking towards me smiling just like a demon who wanted to kill me.

"Why are you dripping wet?" she asked as I pointed outside. I could feel the air tense as she stared at Giyuu outside. 

"So, what did you need me for?" she asked as she sighed.

"Can you go and bring Y/N back from the fields. I asked her to help me to go and grab some herbs but she hasn't been back for hours," said Shinobu worriedly as I looked at her in surprise.

"Sure," I said as I turned around walking out of the door as Shinobu cleaned up the apparent mud I brought onto her wooden flooring.

I walked out of the front door and stood there for a while.

I probably should have asked where the field was

I walked towards the forest looking at it. It was very dark and damp as I walked into it hearing a soft melody playing. It was played so gently like how leaves follow the wind in spins and spirals as they slowly touched the clear lake before drifting off following the small rippling currents. 

I walked slowly towards the sound as I noticed Y/N sitting in the middle of the field playing a long flute made out of bamboo as she sat there playing different tunes calmly.


I feel like I have heard that tune before

I could see the flowers around seemingly sway to the calm music she was playing. Suddenly, she stopped.

She stood up and turned towards my direction as she gasped nearly dropping the flute as she looked at me. 

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