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"It has been a while, hasn't it?" I muttered to myself as I watched Kanae and Sanemi laugh and chat. I watched from the corner of the wall as I felt my heart get weaker and weaker emotionally

Every day goes by without notice

One day, it will shatter into bits

As I stood there watching their hands intertwined, I turned around and walked off. I couldn't handle the fact that I, of all people. 

Would get left behind in the quick-moving world

I breathed in deeply and pushed away the pain that I was feeling.

I must be strong

No matter what happens

I must be strong

But why can't my heart take the throbbing pain that seems to rip my heart apart

I walked down the hallway and walked into my room. I plopped myself on the bed as I stared at the ceiling. 

"Next up, mission in Mt Tsukuba!" yelled my crows as I covered my ears.

"Alright," I replied as it left. I got up and prepared to run to the mountain. I breathed in and run out of the Butterfly Estate as quick as I could.

I ran up the mountain when I heard a strange noise. The sounds of screams ringed through my ears as I ran through the woods as I could. 

"Ena-chan!" yelled the voice as I ran faster and faster.

"Onee-oneesan! Save yourself!" yelled the voice as I leap and went to strike the demon. The demon looked at me and dodged me as the two girls looked at me in surprise.

I looked at the demon's eyes. Upper Moon 1?

I felt my arms shake as I breathed in. I must defeat this demon, if I am a hashira, I will be able to defeat this demon.

I will defeat him for the number of people he killed.

The amount of terror he caused

because it is simply unforgivable

I gripped the handle of my sword as I was ready to pierce the demon. It wasn't going to be easy, but

Nothing is ever easy.

I flew towards him with (chosen technique) and he let go of the child and ripped out his katana.

"Moon Breathing-Loathsome Moon-Chains." he swung his sword as I dodged it with it grazing my hip. Blood splattered out as I controlled the blood to make it stop.

He used the same technique as I dodged it again but it sliced my finger off as I looked at it in shock. 

I used my techniques to try and chop his neck off but all he did was slice me up even more. After a while, one of my arms was gone as well as my legs. I fell to the ground in a terrible ache as I looked at him angrily. I pushed myself up with one of my arms as he sliced it off. All my limbs were gone as I watched in terror. The kids looked at me in terror as they cried and screamed.

"Y/N!" yelled a voice as I slowly turned my head to see Sanemi and Giyuu run towards me. Giyuu flew towards the demon while Sanemi ran towards me.

"What happened?" he asked as I smiled.

"I think you can tell," I said smiling.

I am going to die

"I want to just tell you something, I will always love you," I said as I smiled as he looked at me in shock.

"After everything, I did to you? After I neglected you for someone else?" he yelled as he cried as I smiled.

"Don't say it like that, it's called reality. We all come and go anyways," I said smiling softly.

"You are only 20 and yet, you are happy?" he asked as I smiled.

"My life was filled with hardships but the things that made up for it was the happy times I had with everyone, so don't feel sad, This is a step closer to Muzan and I believe in you," I said smiling gently as I felt tears pelt my skin.

"Don't blame yourself, Sanemi, everything will be alright," I said softly as he hugged me to his chest.

"Why couldn't you have lived? I could have atoned for my mistakes but... now I can't do any of that!" he yelled as he cried even harder as he shook and shook.

"It's alright... you have already atoned for your mistakes. By being here with me," I said as he cried with the force of someone vomiting on all fours. I smiled and my head dropped backwards. My body slumped into his arms as blood gushed out surrounding him and dripping onto his uniform.

Everything will be fine... Sanemi.

NekoNya's message

Why do I always write stuff like this.

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