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"What are you doing, Y/N?" asked Inosuke as I looked up.

"Oh, hi!" I said waving towards him smiling brightly. He took off his pig head and he walked towards me.

"What's that?" he questioned as I looked at the book in my hand.

"It's a book, Inosuke," I said as he sighed and sat next to me under the tree.

"I know, but what kind of book is it?" he asked as I looked at him in confusion.

"It says right here," I said pointing at the title as he stared at it.

"Uh, pig?" he said as I sighed.

"No, it says Demons," I said as he took out his sword and was prepared to stab the book.

"Inosuke, it's a book, A BOOK," I said hugging the book as he stood there looking at me.

"Are you illiterate?" I asked as he nodded as I sighed.

"How do you even buy food or do anything?" I asked as he smiled.

"Tanjiro and Zenitsu does it for me because I am the Master of the Land!" he said as I sighed.

"I think they just feel sorry for you," I said as he gasped. He looked like his whole world shattered into bits.

"I just teach you how to read," I said as he looked at me.

"I don't need to learn how to read," he said as he placed on his pig head and prepared to walk away.

"You can't expect Tanjiro and Zenitsu to do everything for you," I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"I expected better things from you, Inosuke," I said making myself sound as disappointed as could as he puffed up in smoke.

"Fine," he said as I beamed brightly.


"Can we take a break now? My brain is melting," he said as I sighed.

"You only just learnt the alphabet," I said as he sighed. He got up from the chair and left and I sighed. 

"Fine, we can take a break," I said as he ran out of the room. I followed him as I saw him walking to Tanjiro and Zenitsu.

"So, what were you doing with Y/N?" asked Tanjiro smiling. 

"We learned the alphabet, she is a horrible teacher," he said as I walked up towards him and punched his head.

"You should be grateful I am trying, you stupid pig!" I yelled as he looked at me angrily. Tanjiro looked at us in surprise as Zenitsu sighed. 

"Well, you're terrible!" he yelled as I sighed.

"Then ask Zenitsu to teach you how to read," I said as Zenitsu looked at me in surprise.

"He will kill me!" yelled Zenitsu as he ran away.

"Ask Tanjiro," I said as Tanjiro looked at me and Inosuke.

"Sure, why not?" said Tanjiro smiling and they followed me to my room.

"Well, here are all the books," I said pointing at the desk. Tanjiro and Inosuke sat down while I sat on another chair watching them.


"Inosuke, it's demons, not doughnuts," said Tanjiro as I sighed.

"It has literally 3 hours as he can't seem to understand," I said as Tanjiro leaned back sighing.

"Can we swope? My brain hurts from trying to come up with ways to teach him phonics," Tanjiro said as he stood up and sat on the floor falling asleep. I got up and sat next to Inosuke who was staring at the book in utter confusion.

"I'm sure, it says doughnuts," he said as I smacked my forehead really loudly.

"No, it says demons, we have said that probably more than a 100 times," I said as he puffed up in smoke.

"It says doughnuts, Y/N. Dough-nuts," he said as I sighed.

"Inosuke, I think you're killing me," I said as he looked at me concernedly as I fell off my chair in exhaustion.

I felt Inosuke catch me before I hit the ground.

"Thanks, Inosuke," I said before passing out, 

NekoNya's Message

I don't know what is this lol.

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