iv. Infatuation

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Charlotte knocked on the front door, adjusting the bag on her arm. It seemed all so sudden. Just a few hours ago, she was nothing more that a lonely girl with no friends - with the exception of one - and now she found family. And not just that - someone who had understood her perhaps more than anyone ever had or would.

The door soon opened and Erik stood in front of her. "Hello, Charlotte," he said with a smile.

"Cheerio," she smiled brightly. "Would you mind helping with my bags? The black case is rather heavy. It has my art supplies."

"Of course," Erik said as he reached forward to take the large suitcase from her, groaning a bit as he lifted it. "Good god, it is heavy."

Charlotte giggled. "It might take two of us to get it up those stairs."

"I should be okay," Erik replied as he got his free arm underneath the case and started to carry it. "You should go up first so if I fall back, I don't fall on you."

"Just let me help you," Charlotte nodded.

"I'm okay, truly. Go ahead," Erik said as he gestured towards the stairwell with his head.

"Alright," Charlotte sighed, beginning to go up. "Are you sure you don't want help?"

"No, no, I'm okay," Erik said, walking up behind her with the case in his arms. "Thank you, though."

"Okay," Charlotte chuckled, setting one of her suitcases in front of her door.

"I would never have known that art supplies could-" Erik began as he reached the top of the stairs, only for one of his knees to buckle a bit with the weight he was carrying and sending him tripping forward.

"Woah," Charlotte said as she quickly grabbed onto him. "Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Yes, I'm...I'm fine," Erik said, locking eyes with her for only a moment before he set the suitcase down. "My knee just gave out, but I'm not hurt."

"Are you sure? Maybe you should sit down," Charlotte said worriedly.

"I'm okay," Erik repeated with a little chuckle. "Thank you for your concern, though."

"Alright. As long as you're fine," Charlotte nodded. "Thanks for your help."

"My pleasure. I hope the room is to your liking. I made the bed and cleaned it up a bit," Erik said.

"That was kind of you," Charlotte smiled, opening the door and gasping. "Oh my. It's lovely!"

Erik followed her into the room, lifting her suitcases in with him. "I'm glad you like it. I may have designed it, but it wasn't necessarily designed for a young woman to be staying in it."

"You designed it?" Charlotte asked in wonder.

"I did, yes. Architecture was one of my first passions besides music."

"You're a musician too?" Charlotte smiled. "I just love music. I sing, but I'm sure I'm rubbish."

"I am indeed. I play, compose, and sing," Erik explained. "And I'm sure rubbish is far from the right word for your abilities. With your Daaé blood, music is in your veins."

"Maybe I'll play something for you tomorrow and prove you wrong," Charlotte chuckled.

"So you play instruments as well? You're shaping up to be quite a talented young woman, considering you call yourself 'rubbish'," Erik said.

Charlotte blushed slightly. "I mean...I don't play that many instruments."

"What do you play, then?" Erik asked, smiling a bit when he noticed that he had made her cheeks flush.

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