viii. Scarlet Fever

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Charlotte kissed Gustave's forehead, handing him his lunch pail. "Have a great day at school," she smiled. "We'll read more Little Women when you get home, okay?"

"Okay! Bye, Charlotte," Gustave said as he walked out the door.

Charlotte waved at him before going upstairs to knock on Erik's door. "Darling, are you awake?"

The door opened and Charlotte was slightly taken aback by how miserable Erik looked. "Charlotte, I fear my illness has come back with a vengeance," he mumbled.

"Oh, dear," Charlotte sighed, putting a hand to his forehead. "Darling, you're incredibly hot."

"That makes sense. My sleep was quite restless because of that. I went back and forth between hot and cold all night long."

"Poor darling. Why didn't you wake me?" Charlotte frowned.

"I didn't want to bother you," Erik replied quietly.

"Well, don't worry next time. Caring for you is never a bother," Charlotte assured. "Come on. Let's get you back into bed. Do you feel hot?"

"As of a few moments ago, I was, but I'm starting to get quite a chill," he said.

"I'll get you another blanket. Lay down, darling," Charlotte nodded.

"Thank you," Erik said as he turned to walk back to bed.

Charlotte helped him lower himself down before going to his dresser. She opened the bottom drawer and pulled out a thick blanket, carrying it over to the bed. "This should keep you warm," she smiled, spreading it out over him.

"Thank you," Erik said with a smile. "I appreciate you taking such good care of me."

"It's my pleasure," Charlotte said softly, kissing his forehead. "Can I make you something for breakfast?"

"Something light. With the way I'm feeling at the moment, I'm not sure my stomach will agree with much more than toast," Erik said, scratching at his arm as he spoke. "And before that, if there's an ointment of some sort to soothe this rash I seem to have, that wouldn't be a bad thing either."

"Rash? What rash?" Charlotte frowned. "Can I see?"

Erik nodded as he rolled up the sleeve of his night shirt to show Charlotte his arm. "It wasn't this bad earlier," he said softly with a frown.

"Oh, dear." Charlotte rolled up his sleeve further. "Erik, this goes all the way up your arm."

"I did notice it on my shoulder last night when I bathed, now that I think about it."

"Dearest," Charlotte sighed, "you have to tell me of these things when you first notice them." 

"I didn't think anything of it, though now that I realize how itchy it is, I'm not sure why I didn't," Erik said.

"Oh, my darling," Charlotte said with another sigh. "Let me help you take off your shirt. I need to see how far the rash goes."

"I can do it, it's alright." Erik sat up a bit in bed and pulled his night shirt over his head. He was the slightest bit embarrassed about being so exposed in front of her, but he realized Charlotte was too focused on his health to even notice.

"Erik, this covers nearly your entire body," Charlotte said in concern.

Erik sighed. "Based on the look on your face, I have a feeling you know who ails me."

"I believe so," Charlotte nodded. "You haven't had scarlet fever before, have you?"

"No, but I have seen people with it over the course of my life."

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