xxiii. She's So Beautiful

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"Alright, I think we're ready," the midwife nodded.

Erik nodded back at her, looking over at Charlotte. "I have to go, love, though I hate to do that," he said quietly. "You'll be alright. The midwife is going to take good care of you."

"No, no, please don't go," Charlotte begged. "Please."

"Love, I don't know if I can stay," Erik replied, looking to the midwife for some form of guidance.

"You may stay if you wish," the midwife nodded. "Make your decision quickly."

"Okay, Charlotte, I'm going to stay. It'll be alright," he said, looking back to his wife and giving her hand a quick squeeze.

Charlotte gave a nod, clutching his hand tightly in hers.

"Alright. Let's get on with this, then, shall we?" The midwife nodded.

"I would imagine Charlotte is anxious to do so," Erik said.

Charlotte nodded, gripping his hand tighter as another contraction hit her.

Erik didn't feel helpless very often, but this was one occasion where he felt nothing but helpless. His wife was in the most pain she'd ever been in and he could do nothing to help. "You're doing so well, love," he said as the contraction passed and Charlotte leaned back on her pillow. "Just take a deep breath."

"God, it hurts. Please tell me it's over," Charlotte whimpered.

"Almost, love. You're doing wonderful," Erik said gently.

Charlotte nodded weakly, crying out as another contraction washed over her.

Erik winced a bit as she practically crushed his hand, but as she settled back onto the bed, his head popped up when he heard little cries. Looking over to the midwife, he smiled wide when he saw her hold up their baby. "Congratulations. You have a little girl," she said as she went to clean the baby up.

"That felt like death," Charlotte sighed.

"I'm sure, but it's over. You did it. And now look. We have a daughter," Erik said softly, kissing Charlotte's forehead.

The midwife placed the baby in Charlotte's arms. "Look," the mother said softly. "Oh, Erik, she's beautiful."

Erik looked down at his daughter and couldn't help but tear up when he saw her. She was absolutely perfect, though his heart dropped when he saw the twisted flesh surrounding her right ear. "She truly is. Though she did inherit a bit of both our genetics," he said as he gently stroked the baby's head.

"That's okay. It's just another thing to make her unique," Charlotte said as the baby opened her eyes. "Hello, baby girl. You need a name, don't you?"

"She does, doesn't she?" Erik said softly. "Did you have any ideas, love?"

"What about Angelina?" Charlotte asked, kissing her daughter's little forehead.

"Angelina Destler. Perfect."
"It does sound wonderful," Charlotte smiled. "Thank you for staying with me."

"Of course, love. Once I heard I could, I knew I was going to. You needed support."

"I appreciate that," Charlotte said softly, staring down at their daughter. "She's so tiny."

"I know. She's precious," Erik said, his eyes not leaving the baby for even a second.

"You should sit on the bed so that you can hold her," Charlotte nodded.
"Oh, I...I don't know, love. She seems pretty comfortable where she is with you."

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