xix. Ease Your Troubled Mind

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A few months later...

"Good morning, my love," Charlotte said softly, turning over to face her husband.

"Good morning," Erik groaned, his voice still rough with sleep. "Do we really have to get up?"

"Only if you don't wish for your son to starve," Charlotte chuckled.

"I don't, but even if I didn't get up, he'll be in here. Just give him a few-" Erik began to say.

"Papa, I'm hungry," Gustave whined as he entered the master bedroom, hopping onto Erik and Charlotte's bed.

Charlotte giggled, turning to her husband. "I told you."

"Go make your own breakfast, Gustave. Charlotte and I are sleeping in," Erik said.

"No," Gustave whined.

"I'll make you breakfast," Charlotte giggled. "Get off."

"You give up too easily, my love," Erik replied

"No, I just need to get up," Charlotte said, quickly pushing Gustave off and rushing into the ensuite.

Erik frowned. "Charlotte?" he asked, but received no response. "What on earth was that?"

"Is she getting sick in there?" Gustave asked after a moment.

"I think so," Erik said, hopping out of bed and walking to the ensuite, then lightly knocking on the door. "Charlotte, are you alright? What's going on?"

"Fine, darling. Just...female problems."

"As far as I recall from our time together, that didn't involve you being ill usually. Can I come in?"

"If you wish," Charlotte sighed.

Erik turned back to his son. "Just give us a few minutes, Gustave. We'll both be down shortly," he said with a small smile.

"Okay," Gustave shrugged, leaving the room.

Erik then opened the door to the ensuite and quickly kneeled next to Charlotte, who was leaning over the toilet. "Love, what's happening?" he asked as he pulled her hair back for her.

"I'm not sure. It started a few days ago," Charlotte said with a small shrug. "I'm supposed to get...a certain thing tomorrow and it's not unusual for me to feel ill the day prior. It's never made me ill multiple days in a row, though."

Erik frowned as he tried to think of any possible reason behind what was happening. "That's bizarre," he said. "You should go see the doctor, love. We should make sure everything is alright. I would hate for us to ignore a problem, only for it to turn out to be something serious."

"I doubt it's anything serious, but if it'll make you happy, then I'll go," Charlotte nodded.

"It would, yes. I want to make sure you're okay," Erik replied.

"Okay," Charlotte said with a sigh, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'll make an appointment. Now, I'm going to go make breakfast."

"No, no. You are going back to bed."

"Why?" Charlotte pouted.

"Because you are unwell and need your rest, young lady. Come on, let's go," Erik replied

"What did you just call me?" Charlotte chuckled.

"Young lady. You heard me," Erik said with a smile. "Are you going to get up and walk or not?"

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