xvii. Sink Into the Sea

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A week later, in Tuscany...

"The weather is so beautiful," Charlotte smiled as she and her husband arrived at the beach nearby their hotel. "Isn't it, dear?"

"Yes, it's lovely," Erik said. "Perfect for our trip."

"Yes, it is," Charlotte grinned. "Come on, let's go swimming."

"Charlotte, I don't know. I'm already uncomfortable being here. I wasn't planning on going in the water," he replied.

"Please," Charlotte begged. "Just for a moment."

"Charlotte, I...I don't know how to swim."

Charlotte stared back blankly. "You- you lived on an island. And a lake before that."

Erik shrugged. "I wasn't required to swim, so I never bothered learning how."

"I could teach you," Charlotte smiled. "Come on."

"I'm not dressed to go swimming," Erik replied as he gestured to his attire.

"No one will care. It's not like the swimming police will come to arrest you," Charlotte giggled.

"No, but I'm not overly anxious to get my clothes soaking wet," Erik said. "I'll just sit here with my book. You can go swimming."

"Oh, come on. You aren't really going to make me swim alone on our honeymoon, are you?" Charlotte pouted teasingly.

"It's not that I want you to swim alone, I just don't know what I'm doing," Erik replied with a quiet laugh.

"I can show you," Charlotte said softly, setting her things down. "Come on. Please?"

Erik sighed, but looked at her and saw how disappointed she seemed. "Okay, fine. You can teach me," he said.

"Thank you," Charlotte grinned, taking him by the hands. "Let's go."

Erik slipped his shoes off and let Charlotte lead him by the hand to the water. "God, it's cold!" He said, jumping back when the waves hit his feet.

"Come on," Charlotte giggled, rolling her eyes a bit. "You'll get used to it."

Erik nodded, wading into the water after her. "How deep are you making me go?" he asked as the water started nearing his hips.

"A little further," Charlotte smiled. "Come on. You're alright. I won't let anything happen."

"Well, I can't get my head under. I have my mask on. And I'm not all that keen on the idea of removing it."

"Just take it off," Charlotte said softly. "You'll lose it if you don't. Besides, no one else is watching."

Erik sighed, but knew she was right - they were practically alone on the beach. "Alright," he said reluctantly, walking out of the water to slip his mask off before he returned to her. "The things you can make me do, my love."

Charlotte giggled, kissing his cheek and she pulled him out further. "Ready to try swimming?"

"I think so, yes."

"Alright," Charlotte smiled. "You want to keep your arms and legs moving at all times." She quickly demonstrated a simple stroke before she returned to his side. "Try that."

Erik nodded as he fell into his attempt at what she'd demonstrated. "How was that?" he asked, wiping the water from his face.

"That was amazing," Charlotte grinned. "We're going to do it again, except this time, I'm going to swim out and then have you swim to me."

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