x. The Beauty Underneath

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A week later...

"Erik, are we ready to go?" Charlotte asked from the foyer as she slipped on her shoes.

"Yes, just about." Erik came down the stairs, straightening his tie as he went. He stopped as she came into sight and smiled fondly at her. "You look beautiful, Charlotte."

"Thank you," Charlotte smiled. "I thought maybe you'd like the blue."

"I do, very much. It brings out your eyes," he said.

"You're such a romantic," Charlotte giggled, lacing her arm through his. "Ready?"

Erik nodded as he opened the door for her. "Let's go," he replied.

"You know, I'm really happy that we are finally able to do this," Charlotte said as they made their way to the carriage.

"I am too. I'm glad to finally get out, and I'm even happier that I get to go out with you."

"I'm glad," Charlotte grinned. "And I'm happy to see that you're in better spirits."

"Yes, now that Gustave is no longer sick, it's easier to have a smile on my face."

"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled. "I thought it was really sweet how you were caring for him even though you didn't feel great yourself."

"He's my son. That's what parents do, is it not?" Erik asked.

"I wouldn't really know," Charlotte sighed. "But it's what I've heard."

"Would you want to have children one day?" Erik asked, only to start stumbling over himself as he added, "I mean...not with me. Just have children in...in general."

Charlotte giggled at him as his cheeks turned bright red. "You don't need to be so embarrassed. It's a simple question. And yes, I do suppose I would want at least one."

Erik chuckled. "I know, I'm sorry. It just...I didn't want to make any assumptions about our relationship and all that- never mind. It's nice that you want to have children. You would be an amazing mother, I think."

"Thank you," Charlotte smiled. "And don't worry about making assumptions. If you do consider us courting, then technically that's where our future would be heading. Courting means being romantically involved with the intent of marriage."

"I suppose that's true, isn't it? To think we could be married in the future is...a little bit crazy."

"A good crazy, I hope," Charlotte chuckled, stepping into the carriage with Erik's help.

"Certainly a good crazy, yes," Erik replied, stepping in after her.

"Personally, I think it could be nice," Charlotte smiled as she kissed his cheek.

"I do too," Erik said with a smile. "To think I could be married. I only thought that would happen once, and...it did not go the way I wanted it to whatsoever."

"Well, I can say with absolute certainty that nothing will go wrong this time," Charlotte said softly, resting her head on his shoulder.

Erik took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "To say nothing is a bold statement, my love," he replied. "Do you truly believe we would be capable of that?"

"Of course," Charlotte nodded. "We love each other. That's a very powerful thing."

Erik smiled and leaned over to give her a kiss. "It is indeed."

"Do you believe us capable?"

"I do, yes. Perhaps not right away, but in due time, I see us managing to make it work."

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