xi. These Things Do Happen

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"Good morning, Gustave," Charlotte said softly.

"Good morning," he replied, snuggling close to Charlotte as he made an effort to stay asleep.

"Come on, dear. You need to wake up," Charlotte giggled.

"What if I don't want to?"

Charlotte chuckled softly. "Then I guess we can stay here for a few more minutes."

"Good," Gustave said with a quiet laugh.

Charlotte shook her head fondly at the boy, giving his forehead a kiss. "I love you."

What the pair didn't notice was Erik watching from the doorway. He was smiling, but...was that a twinge of jealousy? Why was he jealous? This was his son clearly taking comfort, so what was it about it that made him so jealous?

Charlotte looked over and noticed him standing in the doorway. "Hi," she whispered.

Her words snapping himself back to reality, Erik gave her a smile. "Hello," he said, leaning on the door frame. "What's this?"

"He slept with me last night. Had a bad dream," Charlotte said quietly.

"What about?" Erik asked as he walked over and knelt beside the bed, pressing a kiss to Gustave's temple.

"It had something to do with the painting," Charlotte sighed. "I'm beginning to think we should burn that thing."

"Burn it, no. Perhaps keeping it tucked away would be wise, though."

"Possibly," Charlotte nodded. "Gustave's still a little tired. Just let him sleep."

"Of course. Shall we head down?"

"He's curled up on me. If I move, it may wake him."

Erik sighed. "Very true. I'll have to eat breakfast alone then," he said.

"Or you could lay down next to me," Charlotte smiled.

"In- in the bed? With you?" Erik asked, a bit flustered at the suggestion.

"Yes," Charlotte chuckled. "Come on."

"Charlotte, I don't know," Erik said with a little laugh. "I'm fine to go downstairs."

"Why are you so shy all of a sudden?" Charlotte asked. "You've fallen asleep on me before."

"I don't know. Perhaps my son being in the room has some bearing on it," Erik replied. "I'll get in the bed, though, it's fine."

"Wonderful," Charlotte smiled, moving the sheets so that he could join her and Gustave.

Erik sat on the bed, Gustave in the middle of him and Charlotte. "Did he seem very upset when he came in last night?" he asked quietly, running his fingers through the boy's hair.

"A bit, yes," Charlotte nodded. "Are you alright? You don't seem happy?"

"I'm alright. Just still a bit asleep, I think," Erik replied

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked softly.

Erik nodded. "I'm fine," he said.

"Alright," Charlotte smiled, giving him a gentle kiss.

Erik smiled back at her, brushing hair out of her face. "Did you sleep well?"

Charlotte nodded. "Gustave kept me nice and warm."

"Ah. He did, did he?" Erik asked, dropping his eyes back down to look at his son.

"Yeah," Charlotte said quietly. "It was really sweet how he snuggled up next to me."

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