xxix. We Love, We Live

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"Erik, can you give me a hand and open the oven door while I take out the casserole?" Charlotte asked with a smile.
"Of course," Erik said, walking over and opening the oven door for her. "Dinner looks and smells delicious."

"Thank you," Charlotte grinned, setting the casserole on the stove before kissing his cheek. "Goodness, I still can't believe I'm three months pregnant."

"I know, it is a little bit hard to believe. To think you're already complaining about your dresses not fitting and you haven't even started to show yet," Erik replied as he leaned up against the kitchen counter.

"I know," Charlotte chuckled. "I've tried tying my corsets tighter, but it only goes so far."

Erik sighed. "You're still wearing your corsets, are you?"

"Yes," Charlotte nodded. "And you know it's perfectly fine. Don't worry so much. Besides, I have to do something to make my dresses fit."

"I know, I know. I just can't help but worry a little bit," he said.

Charlotte couldn't help but smile as she kissed his cheek. "I love you," she chuckled. "I just don't want you to worry because it can be unhealthy."

"I'm trying, but I'm a father. It's instilled in me to worry," Erik replied with a quiet laugh.

"Maybe so," Charlotte laughed softly, wrapping her arms around his waist. "I love you so much. Have I mentioned that lately?"

"Frequently, yes," he said as he gave her a quick kiss. "I love you too."

"Good. Oh, by the way, we received an invitation to a masquerade ball at the Opera Populaire."

"Have we now? That could be interesting, considering how my last masquerade appearance went."

"I take it you won't be going as Red Death this time?" Charlotte giggled.

"No, they might catch on and issue another warrant for my arrest," Erik said with a smirk.

"We certainly don't need that," Charlotte replied with a soft laugh. "Who do you think you'll dress as?"

"I'm not quite sure. Did you have an idea for yourself? If you do, I'll just be your partner."

"I was thinking maybe Elizabeth Bennet or Juliet."

"And I would be your Romeo in the case of Juliet, I take it?" Erik asked with a smile.

"That's what I was thinking, yes," Charlotte nodded. "Gustave wants to go as the tin man from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz."

Erik laughed. "Of course. It's his favorite character."

"I like the tin man too," Charlotte said with a smile. "Perhaps we could dress Angelina as Dorothy."

"Yes, definitely. With the little silver shoes as well," Erik added.

"Oh, she'd be adorable," Charlotte grinned. "I could even put a little bow in her hair."

"Wonderful. When is the masquerade?"

"In a week," Charlotte nodded. "I bet we could get Papa to come. Perhaps we could even convince him to dress as Don Juan."

"Oh, please my love. I am begging you to get him to dress up as Don Juan," Erik said through his laughs. "It would be fantastic."

"If anyone can convince him, I can," Charlotte giggled, kissing his cheek.

"Fantastic, because I want nothing more," her husband replied, turning his head when he heard a knock on the front door. "Speak of the devil. Do you have the gift ready?"

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