xxxi. Masquerade

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A couple weeks later...

"Erik, are you almost ready?" Charlotte asked as she knocked on the bedroom door.

"Just about," Erik replied. "Just making sure I haven't forgotten any piece of my costume."

"I can't wait to see it," Charlotte chuckled. "I wish you would have let me see you in it before."

"Where's the fun in that? Surprises are much more entertaining."

"I suppose," Charlotte said with a small shrug.

"Is the Prima Donna almost ready?" Nadir asked as he stepped out of Angelina's room with the baby in his arms.

"I heard that," Erik said from inside.

"Eavesdropping again, are you? I wouldn't advise it. It didn't end well for you when you did it in Persia."

"It did sometimes! I managed to avoid a punishment once thanks to it."

"Yes, and another time, it nearly got you beheaded by the shah."

"That's why I said sometimes," Erik said as he opened the bedroom door, giving his wife a smile. "Now I'm ready."

"Well, if it isn't my Romeo," she grinned. "Look at how adorable Angelina looks in her Dorothy costume."

"I know, she's precious," he said with a laugh as he kissed Angelina's cheek. "Look at your little bow, my angel!"

"Pi-ty!" Angelina grinned, reaching for him.

"Do you like my costume too?" Erik asked as he took her from Nadir. "And doesn't Mama look pretty too?"

"Mama pi-ty," Angelina said softly, wrapping her arms around her father's neck.

"She is. And Grandpa looks...interesting," Erik said, unable to stop his laughter as he took in Nadir's outfit, which resembled one of his own.

"Making you rethink your wardrobe, is it?" Nadir asked with a chuckle.

"When I see it on you, most certainly."

"Yes, well, you certainly look...oh god, please tell me you aren't wearing tights."

"It was the clothing of the time period! I'm not enjoying it, but it makes the costume authentic," Erik said with a sigh.

"Remind me to write down all the ways I'm going to mock you for this later," Nadir laughed.

"Yes, yes, I know you will," Erik mumbled.

"I will definitely be making a sketch of this," Charlotte said with a nod.

Erik groaned as he turned back to her. "No, love, please."

"Well, perhaps you can convince me otherwise," Charlotte chuckled as she kissed his cheek. 

"Let's go. Gustave is waiting by the door."

"Hang on, do tell me how to convince you, because I refuse to have this put down on paper," he said as he took her hand and walked downstairs with her.

"I think you know how," Charlotte replied simply.

Erik smirked. "That had been my thought, but I wanted to make sure."

"There is a child present," Nadir said with a frown, gesturing to Angelina as he shook his head.

"Sorry, sorry," Erik said with a chuckle. "We'll talk later, love."

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