v. Once Upon Another Time

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Thomas looked down at the paper Charlotte had given him and then back up at the house. It was certainly the place. Carefully, he stepped up and knocked on the door, patiently waiting.The door opened and Thomas looked up at a tall man dressed in a dark suit with a white mask on his face. "Good evening," he said. "Can I do something for you?"

"Yes. I'm here for Charlotte Daaé. We have a date this evening," Thomas nodded.

"Ah," Erik said with a nod. "You must be Thomas."

"That would be correct," Thomas replied, smiling a bit. "May I step in for a moment?"

"Yes, of course." Erik stepped aside and let him in. "I'll go get Charlotte. Just a moment."

"Thank you," Thomas nodded, watching Erik walk upstairs.

"Charlotte," Erik said as he knocked on her bedroom door, "Thomas is here."

"Thanks," Charlotte said before opening the door. "Gosh, I haven't done this in ages."

"I'm sure you'll have fun," Erik said. "You look lovely."

"Thank you," Charlotte smiled, before glancing at Thomas, who was standing at the bottom of the staircase. "I should go."

"Yes, don't keep him waiting. Enjoy your evening."

"Thanks. You too," Charlotte nodded, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before she hurried downstairs.

Erik smiled, watching them until they walked out the door. Then he couldn't help but sigh, finding himself disappointed to see her go.

"Are you alright, Papa?" Gustave frowned, peaking out from his room.

"Yes, I'm just fine," Erik replied quietly.

"It's okay if you're sad to see her go," Gustave said softly.

"Oh, why should I be? She'll enjoy herself, which is what's important. I've barely known her for two days, it doesn't matter," Erik said with a shake of his head.

"But I know you fancy her and that it might be disappointing to see her taken with another man."

Erik looked over at his son in his room. "When did you become a little expert on romance?"

"I read a lot," Gustave shrugged.

"Read what?" Erik asked with a chuckle.

"Books. Shakespeare, Jane Austen, Victor Hugo. That sort of thing."

Erik smirked and walked into Gustave's room. "You certainly are my son. Reading things way past your level," he said fondly.

Gustave smiled. "You know, you should talk with Charlotte about books. She's very well read. I don't know how, considering the life she's had."

"Is she? You seem to know each other well already."

"Mhm," Gustave nodded. "She told me a lot about her life. Even a lot of the ugly details of her time in Italy."

"I should ask her for the details, not you, right?"

"Probably," Gustave said with a thoughtful little frown.

Erik nodded. "I'm glad you two are getting along. It's nice to see."

"Yes, she's a kind person. She reminds me of Mother," Gustave smiled.

"She reminds me of Christine as well," Erik replied quietly.

"Is that why you like her, Papa?"

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