ix. The World Showed No Compassion to Me

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A couple days later...

"Gustave, can you make your father's toast, please?" Charlotte asked as she made her suitor some tea.

Gustave nodded and hopped out of his seat to put two pieces of bread in the toaster for his father. "I still can't take it up to him, right?"

"Right," Charlotte nodded. "I want to avoid you getting sick, if we can help it. There's a chance you may get it anyway, since he was down here the night before the rash showed up, but let's air on the side of caution."

"Okay," Gustave said with a sigh.

Charlotte kissed the top of his head. "I know you miss seeing him, but I can assure you that he'll be okay."

"I know. It's just strange not having him around."

"At least you're have me," Charlotte smiled. "That's a good thing, right?"

"It is," Gustave said with a little smile.

"Good," Charlotte nodded. "Now, I'm going to take your father up his food and then you and I can go out for breakfast."

"Okay. I'll get my shoes on."

"Perfect," Charlotte smiled, taking a tray up to Erik. "Darling, your breakfast is ready," she said from outside the door.

"Come in," Erik replied, smiling at her as she entered his bedroom. "Thank you, Charlotte. Is Gustave alright?"

"You're welcome," Charlotte said softly. "Gustave and I are going to the café down the street. Will you be alright alone?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. I'm glad you're taking him out - distracting him is probably a good idea. I take it he's not pleased about not being able to check in on me."

"No, he misses you," Charlotte nodded. "Poor kid. I'm trying my best to keep him entertained."

Erik smiled a bit. "I appreciate that. I feel bad that he can't be here. I'm finding myself missing him as well."

"Well, you'll be able to spend plenty of time with him once you're better," Charlotte smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure he'll drag me out to the front yard to play with him."

"I would bet good money that he will," Charlotte giggled, giving Erik's forehead a kiss. "I'll see you later."

"Okay. Be careful," Erik replied with a smile.

"We will," Charlotte nodded, stepping out.

"Are you ready to go?" Gustave asked when he saw her walk down the stairs. "Is Papa okay?"

"Yes, I'm ready," Charlotte smiled. "And your father is just fine. Don't worry."

Gustave nodded. "Good. Let's go! I'm really hungry."

"Me too," Charlotte agreed, fetching her clutch purse before following him out the door.

"I'm really enjoying Little Women," Gustave said as they walked.

"I'm so glad," Charlotte smiled. "Most boys your age would say that's a girl's book."

Gustave shrugged. "Just because it has girls in it doesn't make it a girl's book."

"Exactly," Charlotte nodded, wrapping an arm around him. "I'm glad we can agree on that."

"Is that your favorite book, Charlotte?"

"No. My favorite is A Midsummer Night's Dream," Charlotte smiled.

"Really? I love that one too. So did Mother," Gustave said with a smile.

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