3- nice to meet you

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Two months later

I woke up and stretched out, finding the bed empty next to me. I could hear jake singing in the kitchen from all the way upstairs. I laughed slightly, getting up and slipping on one of his shirts.

I walked downstairs, and saw him cooking some breakfast. And let me say, it smelt amazing. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his hips, standing on my tiptoes to see over his shoulder. Mmm, fried eggs and bacon.

"Morning babe" he said, craning his head to kiss my forehead.

"Morning" I mumbled back, stepping around him to sit on the counter. I took a piece of the already cooked bacon and started nibbling on it.

"Got any plans for today?" He asked, dishing the rest of the food up. I shrugged

"I was thinking of going to that coffee shop at the end of the road with Magnolia" I told him, jumping off of the counter.

"Okay, but don't stay out late" he ordered, his gaze stern. I nodded, starting my breakfast.


Jake left and I was almost ready to leave when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, finding my best friend Maggie standing there, her signature circle sunglasses resting on her blonde head. Coincidently she's american like me, but moved here for University. We met at Cambridge.

"Hiiiiiii" she said in a sing song voice, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hi Maggie. Give me two seconds, I've just gotta go grab my phone" I told her, rushing back upstairs.

I walked back up to my bedroom, instantly feeling a cool breeze. I looked around seeing the window open. That weird. I could of sworn I closed it. Shrugging, I shut it, making sure it was locked and grabbed my phone, going back downstairs.


"One salted caramel hot chocolate and one vanilla latte" the woman stated as she placed down mine and Maggie's drinks. We thanked her and she walked away, swaying her hips way more than the average person does. Not to mention her face that was caked in makeup.

As soon as she was out of hearing distance, me and Maggie burst out laughing, physically not being able to hold it in.

"Seriously though. What was going on in her mind when she out all that on! She can't of possibly think she actually looked good!" Maggie said, sipping her latte. I laughed with her, taking a sip of my drink aswell. It tasted like heaven.

"Sooooooo, I was thinking" she started and I groaned.

"That's never good" I replied, placing my head in my arms. She playfully slapped my arm, mumbling a 'shut up'

"Anyways, I was thinking. You, me, jake, Harvey. Mexico, this summer" she said, just saying the words, no actual sentences.

"Ummmm, What?"

"We should all go Mexico this summer! Come on it will be so fun! We can all get drunk, fuck around, and then come back like nothing ever happened" she told me, trying to persuade me.

"Ugh, I don't know. I'll have to ask jake" I replied.


"Because he might not want to go" I stated, as if it was obvious.

"Yeah, but you can decide wether or not you want to go" she replied.

"I can't leave him on his own. I would be a terrible girlfriend if I did that"

"No you wouldn't! That's just the bullshit he's out inside your head. You wouldn't be a 'terrible girlfriend'. You'd just be a teenager wanting to have fun. Ash, it's like he controls everything you do nowadays. I bet you he asked where you were going today. And if he said no, you wouldn't of come" she told me, her gaze filled with simpathy.

"You don't know what your on about" I spat, drinking more hot coco.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend. He's way to possessive ash. It's not healthy" she reasoned, trying to reach for my hand. I pulled it back, placing it in my lap.

"Yeah, well your not doing a very good job at it. Now can we talk about something else?" I snapped, mad that she would judge my relationship with jake. There was nothing wrong with our relationship. Nothing. 

"I'm going to the bathroom" I told her, before she could reply, getting up and storming over to the bathroom. 

I was so mad that I didn't even realise I bumped into someone on my way to the bathroom. I looked up seeing a tan face. He was smiling down at me with his hand held out.

"Need a hand up?" He asked, and I placed my hand in his, instantly feeling a tingling sensation. 

"Thanks. Sorry for bumping into you. I just, wasn't looking where I was going" I told him, finally looking up into his eyes. They were a chocolate brown, and they had to be the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. There was a sense of familiarity in them, like I'd been staring at them my whole life.

"I'm Ashley by the way" I told him, holding my hand out for a handshake. 

"Hey, I'm cal-"

I furrowed my eyebrows together at his hesitance.

"Caleb. I'm Caleb" he finished, shaking my hand. I smiled.

"Nice to meet you cal-Caleb" I joked, making him chuckle slightly. 

"Nice to meet you too, Ashley"

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