16-he will pay

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I looked over through blurry vision, to see Caleb on top of jake, besting the crap out of him. Eventually Jake laid limp, but his chest was still rising so he wasn't dead, just passed out. Caleb ran over to me.

"Ashley! Oh god, we need to get you out of here" he mumbled, picking me up bridal style. I screamed out in pain at the sudden movement, and his grip on my waist that wasn't even tight. He ran outside and placed me in his car, running to the other side. He quickly started the car up and started driving.

I thought we were going to the hospital, but realised were weren't after he missed the turning for it.

"Where are we going?" I croaked our.

"Shhhh. Don't talk. You'll need your energy. We're going to my place" he replied, turning left.

I was about to say something else, but I couldn't keep my eyes open.  Pretty soon, I was out like a light.

Calum's POV

I saw her pass out, her head hitting the window, making me speed up even more. How dare that bastard lay a finger on her! I would have killed him if she wasn't there.

I pulled up into the driveway of my house and ran to her door, picking her up and carrying her into the house.

"Let go of me!" I heard the girl yell, Michael responding instantly

"Shhhh. You need to calm down!"

God help him with that girl. She was a Tiny fireball.

I carried Ashley into my room, placing her on the bed. I grabbed my phone, calling my friend Jack. He was a doctor. He would know what to do.

After I hung up I ran into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. I took out some of the rubbing alcohol and a Cotten pad, cleaning out the wounds on her head, arms and legs. I knew she would hate me for this, but I had to check, so I lifted up her dress, seeing a huge black and blue bruise on her stomach, along with a large gash. I pulled the dress off, and placed one of my shirts over her head. I hope she doesn't kill me when she wakes up.

I heard the door open and close downstairs, and then someone running towards the room. Jack walked in holding a briefcase and had some word machine thingy.

"How is she?" He asked, walking over to where I was standing next to her.

"Rough condition. I don't even know how long it was going on for, I just walked in and he was on top of her, beating the crap out of her" I explained. He nodded and knelt down next to her.

"Her face seems to be okay, possibly a broken nose, no need for any stitches on the cuts which is good" he told me, moving to her arms. He started feeling around her elbows, and looked relieved.

"No broken arms" he stated, moving to her wrist.

"Possible broken wrist"

He moved down to her legs, which seemed okay. There were no cuts, just a few bruises. He then moved to her stomach, but stopped and looked up at me

"May I?" He asked, gesturing to the shirt covering her stomach, I nodded and walked around to the other side of the bed, sitting down cross legged next to her, holding her hand in mine. I can't believe I let someone do this to my baby.

He lifted the shirt up and examined her stomach. There were some blackish dots forming in the middle of the bruise, and the gash was still bleeding a lot. He felt around her ribs, muttering something after feeling each one.

"Six broken ribs, but there's no sign of punctures or internal bleeding. I'll need to wrap her up and put a bandage on that gash, but apart from that, all is good" he told me. I sighed in relief, leaning over to kiss her forehead. She's okay.

He grabbed a big bandage thing out of his briefcase.

"I'll need you to hold her up in a seating position while I wrap this up" he explained to me. I nodded and put my hands under her arms, pulling her up. He got to work wrapping the bandage around her. When he was done, I slowly placed her back down on the bed. He put a large square bandage around the gash, and wrapped her wrist up. She only just had all of this stuff removed, to have it put back on again.

"Well, I should get going. Here's some pain medication. Give her one every four hours. And here's a couple of relaxers if she ever gets too uncomfortable. But only one a day and only if the are needed" he warned me. I nodded, placing them on the table next to the bed.

"Thank you Jack. Seriously. I don't know what I would have done if anything had happened to her" I told him, shaking his hand. He nodded and opened the door, taking himself out. I looked back over to her and sighed, brushing a stray piece of hair out of her face. How could someone even think about hurting such a beautiful girl like her. I will never understand that.

But There's one thing I know for sure. He will pay.

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