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"Oh yeah, turns out I'm kidnapping you"

"What?!" I yelled. He chuckled.

"Relax, I'm only joking. Come on, wait till you see the inside" he told me. I still felt kinda uneasy but I wanted to trust him, so I did. I hopped out of his car and followed behind him.

We walked in, and there was a guy sitting on a couch. He had green hair, and I already knew this was the guy from the amusement park. You don't see many guys with green hair. He turned around and I could finally see his face. He was pale, which made his green hair even more vibrant. But the green in his hair brought out the green in his eyes. His eyes looked so familiar. I'd seen them somewhere before, and it wasn't the amusement park. I didn't even see him then.

"Ashley, this is Michael. He's one of my best mates" he introduced me. I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. I knew that I had seen them before. I just couldn't figure out from where.

"Hey" he said, holding out his hand. I shook it, but the second my hand touched his, the familiar pain in my head was back.

"Ashley, you need to get him off of Luke. He'll kill him. And you're the only one he'll listen to"

The memory was short, but I knew that it was Michael in it. The eyes, not many people have eyes like that. And they are very hard to mistake.

"Ashley, are you okay?!" Caleb asked, grabbing onto my shoulders.

"Yeah I'm fine" I replied, skeptically looking at Michael, backing away slightly.

"What the hell happened?!" He yelled.

"Nothing, just some head pains. I'm fine, honestly" I replied, smiling slightly.

"You had me worried there for a second" Michael joked. I laughed, but as soon as it came out of my mouth, even I could hear the fakeness of it.

"Okaaayyy. Well I'm just gonna go" he said, walking away.

"You sure your okay?" He asked.

"No! I know him! Or, knew him at least!" I whisper yelled to Caleb.

"What do you mean?" He asked, a look of worry filling his eyes. Why the hell was he worried?

"Lately I've been having these things. They're like memories I think, from before the accident. Like yesterday, I was putting on a diamond necklace I have, and all of a sudden I had this memory of the guy who gave it to me. Except I couldn't see his face, it was kinda blurred out" I explained. 

"What do you mean accident?" He asked. But I couldn't help but have a gut feeling he already knew. I pushed the thought away though. That would be impossible. I've never told him about it. 

"I don't really want to talk about it right now. Can we just enjoy whatever you have planned and we'll talk about it later" I asked, Rubbing my head.

"Sure, but we are gonna talk about it" he told me sternly. I nodded, already dreading that moment

He took my hand and lead me through multiple doors, until we reached a pitch black room. I could see the faint outline of a bulb in the middle, but that was it.

Caleb walked over to it, switching it on. I looked around, seeing walls covered in graffiti and tables with loads of spray paint bottles, along with some stencils and masks.

"Ta da" he sang, presenting everything with his hands.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Spray paint. Duh" he replied. What's with him and always giving obvious replies.

"What is it for?"

"We're spray painting"

"I've never done it before" I told him.

"Well it's about time you learn"

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