25-what dont i know?

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*two months later*

Things had been going well with me and Caleb over the past couple of months. Not much had happened, but Maggie still hadn't been found. I set up a few search parties and put up postered on every coffee shop, street lights and subway stations as I could.

It hurt to know she was gone, but I guess I've come to terms with it now.

"You ready to go?" Caleb asked, walking into the bedroom. I nodded, slipping on some black flats. Caleb had planned out a picnic for us, which in my opinion is freaking adorable.

He grabbed the car keys and we drove off to whatever he had planned.


We pulled up to a park, which looked pretty much empty. There was a huge tree in the middle of it, and underneath I saw a red and white picnic laid out. I gasped in awe.

"You like it?" He asked, grabbing my hand and walking us over to it.

"I love it!" I told him, kissing his cheek. He chuckled lightly and we both sat down. 

"So, I wanted to get red wine, you know, like in the movies, buuutttt, I remembered you hate red wine so I got coke" he said, pulling out a bottle of coke. I laughed and shook my head.

"You know me so well" I said smiling, taking a glass of coke.

"And, if you lie down and look up, you can see the stars." He explained, lying on his back and staring at the sky. I copied him, staring at the sky. It was dotted with stars, kinda like when you spill glitter, but even when you clean it up there's still some left.

"It's beautiful" I whispered, and felt him nod his head next to me. It went silent, both of us staring at the sky. I liked this, both of us together. And he put all of this effort in to do this. He was the best boyfriend ever.

Wait, is he my boyfriend? I mean, yeah we've been all cute over the past few months, but he never officially asked me to be his girlfriend.



"What are we?" I asked, sitting up. He followed after, furrowing his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?" He replied, turning to face me.

"What are we? Like am I your girlfriend? Or is this just some fling?"

"I hadn't really thought about it"

"Well, am I your girlfriend?" I asked, feeling a sudden nervousness for his answer.

"Uhh, well..." he trailed off. Wow.

"Okay. I get it" I huffed, standing up. I can't believe I was just some side bitch to him. I actually thought we had some sort of connection. I guess not.

"Ashley, wait!" He yelled, running over to me. He tried to grab my arm but I shrugged him off, storming away. But of course, he didn't give up. He ran infront of me, and blocked me from walking around him.

"What do you want?" I seethed, and I could of sworn at that moment I had literal steam coming out of my ears.

"Listen, I want to be your boyfriend. Believe me, I do. It's just, there's stuff about me that you don't know about. Stuff that could potentially put you in danger" he told me.

"What don't I know?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes. He went quiet, looking at the floor.

"Just... stuff" he mumbled.

"What don't I know, Calum"

No it's not a mistake...
Also I'm soooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever I've been stressing out about this whole quarantine sitch and schoolwork and have been doing a little bit every week which turned out to be more than a month so I'm sorrrryyyyyy

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