22- aquarium

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"I'm boooorrrreeeedddd" I whined to Caleb, while pouting.

"Well what to you want me to dooooooooooo?" He mimicked. I shrugged mumbling an "I dunno"

"Well when you think of something, let me know" he replied, going back to his phone. I hugged and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to think of something to do, when an idea popped into my head.

"Can we go to an aquarium?" I asked, making one of his eyebrows go up.

"Aquarium? Like with the fishes"

"Duh" I sassed back, rolling my eyes lightly.

"Why?" He chuckled, making my cheeks tingle red from the slight embarrassment.

"I dunno. Just the first thing that came to mind" I replied, shrugging.

"The nearest one is nearly an hour away..."

"Pleeeeeeaaaaassssseeeee" I begged, trying to do puppy dog eyes but probably looked like a cat being strangled.

"Fine but only if you stop doing that face. You look like that hyena from lion king" he laughed, taking a photo. I smacked his arm before running upstairs to get changed.


We arrived at the aquarium only for there to be a massive line to get in. I hugged, knowing it would be at least an hour.

"It's fine, just follow me" Caleb told me, so I decided not to question it and just followed him. We walked past the entire line and when we got to the front, Caleb whispered something to the guy, making his eyes widen and give us both wrist bands. He furrowed my eyebrows, but said thanks and walked into the aquarium behind Caleb.

"What did u say to him?" I asked.

"It was nothing. Don't worry about it" he replied. I dropped it, knowing that he was just as stubborn as me. Except maybe this meant I wasn't stubborn? Ugh, I don't know.

We followed the signs and saw loads of cool fish. There was this really cool looking one that had a name I couldn't even pronounce. It was something like humahumanookanookaaapua. I could of sworn that sharpay sang a song about it in high school musical.

"Follow me" Caleb muttered quietly, before grabbing my hand and leading me to a doorway that wasn't part of the tour path.

"Caleb, where are we going?" I asked, having to practically jog to keep up with his long ass legs.

"Shhh, you'll see in a minute" he replied, pulling me along.

"Jeez, why are your legs so long. Is your dad slender man or something?" I told him, making him slow down slightly.

"Na, he's just my grandad" he replied sarcastically, before coming to a stop.

"Is this it?" I mumbled, only seeing some pipes and wires around us.

"No doofus. I'm just covering your eyes before we go in" he said back, rolling his eyes.

"Why do you always feel the need to do that?" I asked, but allowed him to do so anyways.

"Eh, it's just fun" He replied, chuckling softly.

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