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And he. Was. Fuming.

"Where the fuck where you?!" He screamed. His speech was slurred, and I saw lots of empty beer bottles near the trash.

"Out" I mumbled in reply, suddenly finding my feet to be the most interesting thing in the world.

"Out? Out?! I fucking gathered that much Ashley! I mean where where you and who the fuck where you with?! And don't reply with BULLSHIT this time!" He yelled. I flinched back slightly at his harsh yelling.

"I was just out with a friend and we lost track of time" I told him, still staring at the floor.

"Out with a friend? Oh please. You were probably out fucking another guy weren't you? Weren't you?!" He spat. I finally looked up at him, my eyes wide with shock.

"Jake I would never, ever do that to you! You know I wouldn't. The fact that you would even suggest that is completely and utterly stupid!" I snapped back, my voice getting slightly louder the further I got.

"So you're calling me stupid?" He questioned, a sneer plastered on his face.

"As of right now, you are acting like a dumbass. You need to realise that I-" I was cut off when a blow was delivered to my cheek, making me stumble back. I brought my hand up to my face, feeling it kinda warm. He slapped me. He fucking slapped me.

I looked up at him with tears in my eye and ran straight past him, running up the stairs. I heard him chase after me.

"Ashley! Ashley get back here now!" He yelled. I ignored him and continued running, pushing myself into the guest bedroom and locking the door.

"Ashley. Babe I'm sorry. I just lost control. I didn't mean to I swear" he said, his voice slightly mumbled from the shut door infront of him.

"Go away!" I shouted.

"Ashley, baby. Let me in. Please just let me in" he pleaded.

"I said go away!" I yelled.

"Ashley open the fucking door!" He shouted. I flinched even though I was safe inside. He sure sounded sorry. Notice the sarcasm.

"I said FUCK OFF" I screamed, walking over to the bed and climbing in.

"Don't you'd are talk to me like that! You're the one that went out until 3 fucking o'clock in the morning" he seethed. I didn't reply, just pulled the sheets up higher.

I heard him mumble something along the lines of 'fuck it' before there was a loud bang on the door. And then another. And another. He was trying to break the fucking door down. I scurried out of the bed and moved to the corner of the room. After a few more loud bangs, the door fell off of its hinges and Jake came in, his face embedded with anger.

"You asked for it now" he sneered, before walking over to me. I pressed myself into the wall, praying for it to just swallow me up. But no luck.

He stopped infront of me and kicked me in the stomach, knocking the air out of me. He kicked it again, and again and again, until there was a sharp pain where my ribs were. I screamed and begged him to stop, but it was no use. He dragged me up by my hair and pushed me against the wall. Punching me over and over again.

I cried and screamed, hoping someone, anyone, would hear me. But of course luck wasn't on my side.

After a good ten minutes, he decided he got 'bored' and he left the room, leaving me curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing. I somehow managed to crawl over to the table next to the bed, and grabbed my phone, calling Maggie.

She picked up after four rings, her voice groggy.

"Ash, it's fucking 3am. This better be-" she stopped when she heard my sobbing.

"Shit. Ashley what's wrong?!" She asked, and I could hear the worry in her voice.

"I-I" I couldn't get the words out. It hurt to breathe, let alone speak.

"Ashley, seriously. What's wrong. You're worrying me" she said.

"J-jak-ke" was all I managed to get out. As if she somehow knew exactly what I meant, she replied with

"I'm picking you up now" before the line went off. I needed to get out without jake hearing me.

I pulled myself up using the table, screaming lightly at the immense pain. I stumbled over to the door, holding onto the doorframe as support.

I managed to get down the hall, but then there
Was the hard part. The stairs. I tried taking one step down, but my foot twisted and I slipped, rolling down the entire flight of stairs.

I screamed, not caring if anyone heard me this time. My chest felt like it was on literal fire, and I'm sure my arm and ankle were broken. I couldn't move, no matter how hard I tried.

The front door opened, and Maggie ran in, seeing me on the floor. I managed to bring my finger up to my lips to tell her to be quiet. She knelt down besides me and started sobbing

"Shit shit shit shit shit! We need to get you to a hospital. Fast" she managed to choke out through the crying. She picked me up bridal style and started caring me out. How she managed to carry me, I don't know, but I didn't think about that for long when the pain started again from the sudden movement.

She stumbled slightly on the way to her car, before laying me in the back seat and driving to the hospital.

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