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Five years later

"Aggghhhhhh!!! Get off of meee!" She squealed, trying to push Calum off of her.

"Neveerrrrrr!" He laughed, attacking her again. She erupted into a fit of giggles, still trying to push him of.

"Daddy! Stop!" She giggled, kicking her legs around. I laughed, and slowly started creeping up behind him. Layla saw, and I put my finger against my lips telling her not to say anything. She smiled, revealing her missing two front teeth. When I was close enough, I jumped on Calum's back and started tickling him. He squealed, scarily girl-like, and jumped of of Layla, running around with me on his back.

He fell backwards on the couch, and was now on top of me.

"Fine! Your turn!" He yelled, before attacking my sides. I burst out laughing, and so did Layla, watching us from the other couch.

"St-stop! Plea-ase!" I laughed, trying to push him off.

"Only if you say 'Calum is the best husband ever and the hottest guy to ever walk the solar system!" He shouted, still tickling me.

"Fine! Calum is the best husband ever and the hottest guy to ever walk the solar system" I replied, but he carried on tickling me.

"You said you would stop!" I yelled, still laughing.

"Now you have to kiss me!" He replied.

"Ew no!!" I shouted back.

"Fine by me" he shrugged and still didn't stop.

"Fine! Fine!" I gave in. He smiled his freaking adorable smile before leaning down and kissing me.

"Ewwwwwww" we heard from next to us, then lots of small giggles.

"Kiss again! Kiss again!" She laughed, clapping her hands. We both laughed before kissing each other again. We heard footsteps and then Layla say

"Uncle Mikey! Auntie Maggie! Mummy and daddy are kissing and it's grosssssss" she told them, giggling again. I swear her giggle is my favourite sound ever. It's the exact same as Calum's.

"Ewwwwwww" both Michael and Maggie said at the same time. We pulled away from eachother and looked over, seeing them at the door. Michael smirked at me, and I shook my head, knowing what was coming next. Before I could move, he jumped on top of me and Calum, me at the bottom getting completely squished. After that, Layla managed to climb on top of us and I honestly couldn't breathe. I looked at Maggie pleading for her to help but she laughed and took a picture.

"Mikey get your fat ass off of me!" Calum yelled, and I smacked his forearm whispering "don't swear" to him, but it was useless when Layla asked

"Daddy, what does ass mean?" Making Mikey and Maggie laugh, Calum go red from embarrassment and me glare at him.

"Nothing Layla. It's a bad word so don't go around saying it okay" I told her, finally managing to get up once everyone was off. She came over and sat on my lap.

"But why did daddy say it?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing together.

"Because daddy's naughty" I replied, glaring at Calum again, making him even more red.

She nodded her head, and her eyes lit up when she looked over my shoulder. I turned around to see Ashton, amber and their kid, Thomas. Aka, Layla's best friend.

"Tommy!!!" She squealed, jumping off of me. I laughed at her cuteness.

"Right well, I'm going to go out. I'll be back in twenty minutes babe" I told Calum, kissing his cheek.

"Where are you going?" He asked, purely out of curiosity. I shrugged.

"A walk" I replied. He nodded and I grabbed my coat and keys.

"Layla be good. Mummy's just going out for a little bit, I'll be back soon okay?" I told her, but she was too caught up playing with Thomas, and simply nodded her head. I waved goodbye and left, walking out of the house.

After a ten minute walk I arrived at my destination. The graveyard. I walked through the paths until I got where I needed to be.

"Hey. I haven't been here in a while. It feels so unfamiliar. But I knew I had to come today. I had to. There's so much I wish I could fill you in on. I have a daughter now. Layla. You would love her. She's just like you in so many ways. I got married. To a guy, okay if I'm totally honest you probably wouldn't approve of but he makes me happy and I know that's as all you ever cared about. I miss you. I miss you so fucking much. I wish you were here, I know this sounds stupid, and everyone else probably though it was, but I saved you a seat at our wedding. Even gave you a name tag and everything. Anyways, I should probably get going. Just needed you to know I loved you. Happy birthday teddy bear" I cried, standing up and walking away from the grave, wiping away my tears. I looked up, seeing Calum leaning against a tree, a sad expression on his face. I smiled weakly at him. He held his arms open, and I walked into them, crying silently in his chest.

"I didn't realise today was his birthday" he said, and I nodded.

"From what you've told me, he seems like the best big brother ever" he told me, rubbing circles on my back.

"He was. He really was. I just wish he was here to see everything I've done. To meet his niece. To meet his brother in law" I cried, wrapping my arms around calum.

"He is here. Trust me he is. He's watching over you, over Layla. He's seen everything you've become and I can guarantee he so proud of you. So fucking proud of the person you've become. A best friend, a wife, a mother. He's been looking over you the entire time. Keeping you safe, looking over you thinking "I could not be any more proud of my baby sister"" he told me, and I nodded, pulling away and wiping my tears.

"Thank you. Really. You don't know how much I love you" I told him, pecking his lips.

"I love you too, doll. Now let's get going, it's looking like it's gonna rain" he said, walking back over to the car he brought. I turned looking at the grave one last time.

"I love you Ted" I whispered, before walking away, hand in hand with the love of my life.

The book is done. I'm so upset rn. Thank you to everyone who has stuck by these two stories even though they dragged on at some points. I've loved writing this book but it needed to come to the end, and I have so many ideas for future books. And who knows maybe in a year or so I'll write a new book for Layla... maybe...

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