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"What should I do?" she pleads to the Force. 

But there is no reply. There is no breeze, no running streams, no echoes of creatures quivering through the night. Just her. A moment passes, and at last, she gives in. It is the only way.

"The Hooded Beast," the girl whispers. 

She is suddenly enveloped in sinking darkness. And now, she hears the stark, powerful voice of that raven haired man once again. It tells her: "I knew you would be back."

"I need to see it," she says, "What you wanted to show me."

"It's all true. There's a world, nothing like this one."

She speaks back to him: "Can we ever visit it again?"

"We have to try."

...THE setting fades, and a new one comes to light...

...He finally looks at her. "I thought I could get you to stay in my world if I took something from you. But I was wrong. You shut me out instead."

She replies, "And just after I did, I regretted it. I tried my hardest to get back. But something had sealed us off. No matter how hard I tried to get back, I just couldn't."

...THE setting fades, and a new one comes to light...

...Rey feels her heart pounding; right before her, she cannot tell if there is danger or calmness. But she finally understands who Ben truly is. She feels his desires, his dark longings to be powerful, to reign over others. She wants to push it all away. But there is something else. A kindness, a need to protect. Though she feels it, she knows that if she pushes the darkness away, so too will the kindness leave.

Rey puts her hand on Ben's shoulder. "We can't stay here forever. We have to forget about all that now. We have to remember what it was like before all this ever happened- and we will do it together."

Ben turns and looks at Rey, and nods. He firmly places his black, gloved hand into hers, and they stand up together.

...THE setting fades, and a new one comes to light...

"...I just wanted to be somebody. I looked up to the Force and imagined I was someone important. I really, really wanted it to happen. It was the only thing that kept me going. But I was just playing pretend, like some stupid kid, all along."

"Not anymore," Ben tells her, and takes her by the hand. The two now gaze at each other, and just then, the sun begins the set, and it's night time.

A moment passes, and Rey and Ben are standing side by side. Rey grasps Ben's arm, and holds it tight. She softly says, "I didn't want this place to go away."

Ben looks at her and says, "I'll never leave."

Rey shakes her head. "But there's somewhere I need to be."

Ben begins to worry. He reassures her, "We'll break out of their world, where nobody cares for us, together. You don't need them."

Rey takes her arm away from him. Then she looks away from Ben, and starts to walk away. But he clutches her hand, and says, "Don't look that way. Ignore it all. This is the only thing that matters." Rey turns back and gazes into Ben's eyes, but then looks away again.

Rey tells him, "I don't want to leave, but I can't stay here. I'm sorry."

She hands him the broken lightsaber handle, and Ben grasps it. Just as he realizes what's about to happen, he shouts, "Wait, Rey!" He tries to reach for her arm, but she fades away. As her world begins collapsing back into darkness, Ben wakes up back in the physical world, surrounded by the harsh, metallic confines of the First Order base, and completely alone.

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