Chapter 20- Inimoni, The Light

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Inside of an aquatic dome, Rey is flicking through the Jedi texts. She whispers to herself, "Could it really be? This can't be a coincidence..."

Elsewhere, in the room of another aquatic dome, Luke is meditating. Rey interrupts him.

"I found it," she says, "The next Passion."

Luke leaves his trance, and stands up to face her. "Where?" he asks.

"On Inimoni. That's also where the other twin kyber crystal is."

Luke freezes. Something about the planet's name makes him tense up. After a moment, he says, "They're on the same planet?"

"I couldn't believe it either. But what the texts suggest... the Passion has already been locked away. Perhaps the twin kyber crystals are a soul artifact for the Passion!"

Luke's eyes widen, and then says, "That's amazing. I can't believe you figured this all out from the texts."

"I-" Rey suddenly stops herself. I can't tell him, she thinks. She tells Luke, "I did."

"You seem like you're having a hard time believing that. But I'm surprised about this whole thing, too." He pauses. "I've been to Inimoni before."

"You have? Every planet with a Passion that we've visited... you've been to all of them before?"

"Each of those planets was having its own problems. The New Republic sent me to them to sort them out."

"So Inimoni was another planet you saved?"

Luke doesn't immediately answer. After a moment, he says, "I made many mistakes on Inimoni."

"M-mistakes?" Rey asks, surprised.

"I'll tell you about them on our way there. You need to be prepared to know what happened."

Rey shakes her head. "No. I don't need you telling me. I'll see it myself and make up my own mind."

Luke sighs. "I wouldn't recommend that. But if that's what you want, then have at it." He heads towards another room, getting supplies ready. Rey puts a hand to her lips. She can't believe she just lied to Luke. But more so, she had heard something she did not want to hear: Luke had made mistakes. She remembers what the Watchers said. Were they telling the truth? She doesn't want to believe it. It can't be, she thinks to herself. It must only be true from a certain point of view.

LUKE'S X-wing and the Myrioi Osprey approach a planet, one hemisphere which is covered in roaring, dark red storms, and the other which emits an incredible blue light. In between them, there lies a vertical stripe, but Rey has a hard time seeing it. Thinking that she's too tired, she shuts her eyes and opens them again to try to re-focus on the stripe, but something about it is too hazy, as if it was shifting in and out of her view. She can't comprehend it. And then she realizes what's happening: seeing the vertical stripe is like seeing a black hole.

From the cockpit of her ship, Rey gapes at the planet and can't believe what she's looking at. Then she snaps back into reality, and through a soul instrument, she asks Luke, "Which side do we land on?"

Luke replies, "The light side."

The ships penetrate through the blinding light, and enter into a world of endless silver and glass-like skies. As they descend down towards its floating surfaces, the gray silvers transcend into whiter and whiter illuminations, until they reveal a world with sapphire palaces and cities. They land on a liquid silver platform, which forms into a solid just as the ship hovers above it. Before them is a gigantic palace with an imposing dome on top.

They depart from their crafts, and are greeted by tall creatures with smooth, marble-esque blue skin and wings. Several are graceful with multiple thin arms, and have trinkets decorating their numerous limbs. "Luke Skywalker," one being gently speaks. Luke greets the creature, and the others start greeting him too. Rey smiles, reassured that the Watchers are wrong, and that Luke is beloved. But then she notices that although there is a peaceful expression on their faces, at the same time, there is a hidden unease.

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