Chapter 12- The Watchers

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Rey awakens in total darkness. Everything around her is a haze- she feels like she's left the physical world, and is now in some sort of mental projection. And then, there is a dim light. Her heart begins to pound faster. A sinking feeling falls over her- she knows what lies in front of her, and tries to run away. But there's nowhere to run in the darkness. The light grows brighter and brighter, revealing four faint apparitions- The Watchers. One of the shadowy figures waves away the dark clouds, and steps forwards. His face and body is now revealed.

He appears to be a tall, middle aged human male, royally dressed, with a sharp, pointed face and a rugged beard. "My name is Alstaire," he proclaims. Next, another one of the figures steps forwards, and the clouds are wiped away again to reveal a tall, middle aged human female with kind, caring eyes. "And I am Kiyla," she proclaims.

Rey swallows in trepedition, and asks them, "Who are you, and what do you want?"

Alstaire replies, "We have the same goal as you: we want to save this galaxy."

Rey replies, "By disrupting the Force?"

Alstaire continues, "We are keeping it away from the wrong hands."

"And whose hands are those?"

"The hands of many," Alstaire calmly replies.

Rey doesn't know what to say, and looks confused. Now Kiyla speaks: "The Force is a great energy, flowing through all living beings. But it is also a powerful weapon. With it, those who are greedy and wicked have used it to herald in war and death. It is not just the Jedi and the Sith who wield its powers; each living being has access to it, albeit in different ways."

Rey ponders for a few seconds, then realizes what Kiyla means: "The Force is what gives the cruel ones the willpower to overcome the current laws and systems holding them back."

Kiyla kindly smiles, but with great sorrow. "You are a clever, clever child. It seems we think alike. But alas, that is the tragic nature of the Force. Due to its duality, only those who aim for justice and peace can wield it. And those who do not, such as Kylo Ren, must never have it."

The name strikes something deep inside of Rey. Then she asks, "You want to stop the First Order?"

"We must. But as of now, we are not strong enough to do so. In time, we will find ways to get stronger. Then, only by working together with you can we find a way to bring peace to the galaxy."

"If you need me, then why did you take the Force away from me when I faced Kylo Ren?" Rey questions defiantly.

Kiyla looks confused, and says, "We know nothing of that. When?"

"That... wasn't your doing? Then what of the instability in the Force? How is General Citho connected to all this?"

Kiyla, answers, "We wish we knew. We are trying to heal the Force, too. The tears must be remnants of destruction caused by that misguided man..."

Her words send a shiver down Rey's spine. There is something beneath them that Rey does not want to know. She tries to distance herself away, saying, "I still don't understand. Why me?"

"Because you, young child, are not an ordinary one. You have a gift inside of you. One that we foresee to be the key to saving every being once and for all. You have been Chosen by the Force."

Rey is skeptical, but is curious, as she is filled with many questions. "If I'm so important, you wouldn't have taken the Force away from me back in the lake!"

Alstaire replies, "It was for your own good. Just nearby, we sensed a presence. It was faint, but as this presence began to shed its mask, we knew it was one who could not be trusted: Luke Skywalker."

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