Chapter 35- Revival of the Force

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A Resistance ship lands on a dusty planet. There is almost no one there; it is shrouded in secrecy. Merilia and Finn exit. They march through the dust clouds and enter a hidden, underground metallic complex. Inside, the walls are stone, and the floor is full of light brown dirt. There, they see the former Resistance fighters who have escaped: Poe, HQ-7, Chewbacca, and a few others. Their spirits are withered; they are torn at having to fight their former allies. In a faraway corner, Phasma sits by herself, staring into a drink that she's stirring.

When they see Merilia and Finn, Poe walks over, and welcomes them, thankful that they are safe. But despair does not leave his face. All the other former Resistance fighters have their attention focused elsewhere, on a hologram they're all circled around. As Finn walks towards it, he hears what is being broadcasted. In a low tone, he says, "It's... over already?"

The hologram announces: "The Resistance has defeated the First Order! It is an wondrous time. The entire galaxy is in celebration as the Neo Republic prepares to clean up the aftermath. Resistance Leaders Gnovian and Citho have vowed to carry on the duties needed to transition the galaxy out of this long standing conflict."

Holograms of Gnovian and Citho are seen, parading around a ceremonial palace. Poe smashes his fist onto a table. He grits his teeth. "Those bastards!"

Through the hologram, Gnovian starts speaking: "My fellow rebels, we have fought long and hard. And now, the First Order has been defeated. Though I wish to rejoice, our troubles are not over yet. We have received reports that the First Order Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren, has escaped. And we have information that he was aided by our very own- traitors sympathetic to the First Order. These villainous dissidents have pledged to protect the former Supreme Leader, and they have rallied under a new banner name: The Second Order."

Finn scoffs. "Well, that's original."

Merilia coldly remarks, "They're still using the same old story."

Finn can't stand seeing Gnovian weave lies anymore. He turns away from the hologram, and sits down elsewhere, throwing his head into his hands, devoid of hope.

THE single sun of the desert planet lingers in the sky. Though it has nearly set, it seems to stay still for the longest time. Luke sits on a rock near a village. He is poignantly deep in thought, and stares straight out ahead. That voice he had heard back in the cave. That nostalgically, familiar voice. As he ponders on it, a young girl with short, ashy ginger hair walks by.

"You're Master Skywalker, aren't you?" she asks.

Luke turns to face her. "Why, yes I am."

"My mother told me you were a bad man."

"Bad? Why does she say that?"

The young girl thinks for a second. And then she answers, "I don't know."

"Well, what do you think a bad man is?"

The girl thinks again. She replies, "Someone who hurts me and my friends."

"Do you think the bad man should be hurt, too?"

She shakes her head. "I don't want to hurt anyone."

Luke tries to smile, and says, "Most people don't."

But the answer doesn't satisfy the girl. Confused, and lost, she sits down on a rock next to Luke. "Why did my friends hurt me?"

"Well, what did they do?"

The young girl is overcome with sadness. "I was hungry, so my mom gave me some bread. My friends asked me if they could have some. I wanted to share, but I couldn't break it apart. Then when I wasn't looking, they took the whole thing away."

Luke feels sorry for the girl. He reaches into a pocket in his robes, and pulls out a leather-like cover. He opens it, and there is dried up food. "Here," he softly says to her. The girl takes some, eats it, and smiles.

As she is chewing, Luke tries to find the right thing to say. And then, it comes to him. He says to the girl, "Are you ever going to share again?"

She shakes her head. Luke continues, "Next time, I'm sure you'll catch their tricks. But that doesn't mean you have to stop sharing forever. When you want to get something done, you have to try, over and over again, and don't give up. Each time you try, you'll learn from your mistakes."

"I want to get better," the girl says, "I don't want to be tricked." She perks up, looking at the sunset. "Can you teach me?"

"I can. It's not something that you'll learn in a day or two. You have to keep at it your whole life. Even now, I'm still learning. But, I can give you a few tips."

[A voice over of Luke is heard, as it overlays with several scenes]

"Sometimes, you know who is good or bad."

A village of Wotuins guard over their sacred landscape, harmoniously working together.

"Other times, it's harder to say."

Back on Iniomni, the Tau begin to come out of their houses, watching as the Skor land in their city.

"But no matter what happens, we all have to keep doing what we think is right."

Rose is seen fixing up and polishing C-3PO, who exclaims, "Oh, I do hope they're alright."

"Even if we fall again and again."

Yatu stares out through a window of the Resistance base, gazing into the endless field of stars in space.

"Because doing the right thing can be very hard."

In the ruined, scarred First Order base, Hailden stands tall over the wreckage, looking down over a charred high tower.

"We can't do it alone. We have to work together. But sometimes when we try to get close to others, we push them away."

A First Order starfighter has landed in a thick, jungle planet, and there is no one inside. Inside of the jungle, in the middle of a shallow lake of water, Kylo sits on an island of soft, fertile soil. He looks up, and though the vegetation is dense, a sliver of light pours through. And from the light, Rey steps in, and the two lock eyes.

LUKE finishes speaking his monologue to the girl. The girl is now looking at the Jedi master, her hands on her knees, listening with her heart. Luke tells her, "If you want to learn to be good, you can't stop yourself from getting hurt. But just remember, everyone else is on the same journey you're on. If we all work together, and hold each other up, then even if we have bad times, the good times will come, too."

FINN walks through the metallic complex with an electronic broom in his hand, sweeping the floors. He passes by Phasma, who doesn't even look up at him. They don't say a word to each other. He walks by Poe who is speaking with Merilia, and suddenly, there's a soft clink in the distance.

"Shh!" Finn whispers, "Do you hear that?"

Poe and Merilia look around. Poe nods to her, and they get up, with their hands near their belt and blaster. They head towards the back entrance, enter the main planning room, and hear a door open in the distance. Almost all the former Resistance fighters have now gathered together and walk towards the sounds. They stop in place, and get behind cover. They watch the cavern-like tunnel leading from the back entrance into the planning room. The clinks continue, then stop. Now, there are footsteps, lightly patting on the dirt. Someone is inside the stone walls.

The former Resistance fighters huddle up. In the center are maps and holograms sprawled out on a table, the result of endless hours of determined work. They wait. The footsteps are coming closer. And then, someone enters through the cavern-like tunnel.

A hooded figure wearing a tan robe steps in the room, with a lightsaber tucked on its side. The figure pulls its hood back, uncovering his face. He is a man with a brown, rugged mustache and beard, and a combed set of hair. Finn, Poe and the other fighters start to stand up, not knowing what to expect, and the man greets them.

"Hello there."




[To be continued...]

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