Chapter 2- Rey's Disturbance

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First Order ships swarm into the battlefield and fire in a chaotic barrage, shattering the fragile temple buildings. Archs and pillars crumble and fall. The screams of the Jurials startle Rey, but she regains her composure, and calms herself down. Closing her eyes, she reaches both hands out; in an instant, the massive avalanche of stones stop falling, lying still in space.

A sleek First Order ship cuts through the sky, and a general with a black avian-like mask rides on its transport. "ATTACK HER!" she screams from above.

Finn activates a plasma shield, and rushes in to protect Rey from being shot at while other soldiers form a defense around her with their own shields. On the ground, another First Order general, wearing the mask of a raging deity, silently commands troops to surround Rey's guards. With their every breath, the Resistance tries to fend them off. As soldiers charge at the general, he calmly places his hand down on the ground, and a rumbling occurs. The Resistance fighters begin to lose their footing, and suddenly, are struck with intense vibrations, causing them to kneel down and scream.

The general with the avian-like mask flies by over a group of Resistance fighters, and with one swift strike of her hand, a swarm of rocky fragments above them coalesces into an avalanche, and floods down into the fighters.

Poe starts ordering his troops to go into defense formation. He tells Yatu to go hide. Rose joins Poe in fighting against the general on the ground, while Merilia heads into an aircraft with other soldiers to combat the aerial enemies.

The old Jurial speaks to Finn, "They're here for the artifacts!" She hides the dark jade crystal in her robes, and Finn, reluctantly leaving Rey, shields the old Jurial from the attacks. Faraway lies an old temple, with two paths leading to it: one through a treacherous rock formation, and others through foggy ruins. Jurials run towards the temple through the formation but are gunned down. Finn sees this and tries to take the other route, but the old Jurials stops him: "You mustn't go through there! Come, I know a pathway we can take." The old Jurial runs towards a hidden nook in the formation, and Finn tries to follow her into the passageway. But before he can reach it, he's knocked to the ground by a nearby blast, and in his blurred vision, he sees the old Jurial is left without a guard as she continues running. As stormtroopers run towards her, Finn tries to get up, but is too disoriented. He reaches out towards the troops, murmuring "No..."

Just then, to his surprise, several large boulders behind the stormtroopers begin shaking. The stormtroopers briskly turn around, guns up, surprised by the enemy behind them. They see the shaking boulders, and then see Finn reaching out towards them. "There!" one of them shouts. Finn reaches out harder, but the boulders barely budge now. Just when the stormtroopers start to fire on him, they're hit with red lasers that seem to follow their own trajectory, like homing missiles. Rose steps in with a gun and helps Finn up; he begins to orient himself again.

"Nice shot," he compliments her, "A new kind of homing gun?"

Rose replies, "No... it's just an ordinary blaster."

"What? I've never seen an ordinary blaster do that."

"Me neither..." Rose answers, in equal perplexion.

An explosion rattles the duo's footing. Finn heads into the passageway while Rose joins a fight in the other direction. He catches up to the old Jurial, and they both enter the temple, which already has many Jurials inside. The old Jurial barricades the door. But as Finn is taking a long, deep breath to cool off, he senses that something's not right. He looks up, and notices that the old Jurial appears to be speaking in tongues to someone else through a transmitter hidden in her robes. The old Jurial sees Finn look at her, and gasps, but quickly tries to brush it off, asking him to seal the door. He heads over to her and seals it, but then sternly tells her, "Those are First Order code words." She closes her eyes and doesn't respond. Finn doesn't inquire any further.

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