Chapter 10- Saving the Force

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Beneath a white mountain lies a great expanse, brimming with glass stones of all different sizes, all reflecting the dull cream sun. Towering over these boulders is an X-Wing- somewhat worn, but still in working condition.

Rey, still in disbelief, is sitting on one of the stones under an opal arch. She looks around her, and for the first time, notices there is something different in the air. It is as if there was no wind, no change. Nothingness.

Slight shivers run through the scavenger girl, and she huddles tighter into the ragged cloth thrown around her to keep her warm. The shivers travel into her fingers; desperately, she eyes them, hoping for the familiar touch of the Force once again. But it doesn't come. An ominous panic creeps through her mind- could it really be gone? Ever since that incident in the alleyway on Jakku, she had always been in touch with the Force, no matter how faint. Now, it was completely gone. The unease bites deep, and makes her shiver even harder.

She has never felt so empty inside.

From the distance, Luke walks over and offers her a strange plant to eat. She eyes it hesitantly, but eventually decides to take it. As Rey nibbles into its leaves, Luke breaks the silence:

"I didn't expect to see you here."

Rey stops chewing. She doesn't know what to say. She quietly swallows her food, and with sadness in her voice, replies, "I was so sure you were gone. Leia did too."

Luke takes a deep breath, his expression turning to mourning. "I'd heard what happened to her. By the time I came back, she was gone." Luke finishes with a sad crack in the closing of his sentence.

Now remembering Leia, Rey begins to feel even more downtrodden, and for a moment, mourns with Luke, too.

With great effort, the old Jedi tries to find the strength to continue. He sits down on a glass stone across from Rey, and says, "This... is going to be hard to take in. It's true; I did die. The moment I passed, I saw a white light. Time didn't feel like it existed anymore. I realized I had gone into the Netherworld of the Force. I heard voices- familiar ones, though I couldn't make out who they were. But not long after, the light disappeared and I was covered in darkness. I saw these four tall figures; it was like I was nothing before them. The Watchers. I named them after how intensely they were staring into me, as if watching my every move."

Rey blurts out, "I saw the same ones too! Just now, when I was in the lake!" The unease bottled within her begins stirs her anxiety, and now she can't keep it inside any longer. "The Force," she cries out, "I can barely feel it anymore!"

Luke takes a deep breath. "The Watchers must have taken most of it away."

She chatters in a panic. "But why? Why would they do something like that to me?"

"I don't know what they want. But what I do know is this: they want to steal the Force away from everyone. I could feel it; it was like they were trying to restrain a wild creature. I couldn't ignore these cries I heard near them, so I moved as fast I could in their direction. And what I saw was so awful: rows and rows of subjucated slaves, all kneeling before them, and screaming."

Rey takes a moment to fully accommodate what Luke was saying. Such dreadful, terrifying beings- and now, the Force she cherished so much was with these demonic things. Worry quickly ascends within her, reaching despair. Will they hurt it? 'No,' Rey thinks to herself, 'I can't let them!'

Luke continues, "I couldn't stay there any longer. I pushed back, and found myself back in the light. I heard those voices again. The voices of those who were one with the Force, all pleading for my help. Without hesitation, I spoke back, and promised them my word."

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