Chapter 11- Etilma

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Luke's X-wing and the Myrioi Osprey are seen flying over clear, gleaming white and blue oceans, scattered with islands and sea life. The sky is turquoise, and there are no clouds, only vast, foggy wisps of silver.

Luke's voiceover is heard: "Etilma was a place that the New Republic had assigned me to handle just after the Empire fell. It was a peaceful planet, and as such, was tyrannized by greedy warlords looking to enslave their people, the Wotuins, and sell their wildlife. I led a secretive group of soldiers into the warlords' main base, which we destroyed, leaving them defenseless against New Republic fleets. We provided the Wotuins with a strong defense system afterwards, so that they could protect themselves in the future. Since then, Etilma has prospered, and its wildlife has been slowly returning."

Rey and Luke land on a tropical island, next to a village. Inside, there is a giant barrack. Murmurs are heard throughout, and one by one, the entire village of humanoid, dinosaur-like beings with spikes on their bodies comes out of their huts. Some of them appear to be soldiers.

"He's returned!" one of them exclaims, "Those unfounded rumors of his death were wrong; he IS still alive!" They excitedly cheer, and rush out to greet Luke.

Rey smiles, uplifted by the positive energy circulating throughout the island. This is the Luke I had wanted to see, she thinks to herself.

One of the Wotuins speaks, "Luke, we cannot thank you enough for liberating our people. But we must ask, why is it that you have returned?"

Luke replies, "I saw visions that told me that there is a disturbance in the Force, and it has led us here. Has anyone witnessed anything unusual?"

The cheers fall silent. The Wotuin speaks again, "By the great Fortune... yes, there has been. For some reason we cannot explain... we have lost access to our defense system. The technology has not been tampered with, but something else- as if by magic- is hampering us from using it. And as such, our wildlife has started disappearing again. Our people are being captured and enslaved too- so we are hiding out here. When your ship sent out a signal indicating that you were Luke Skywalker, hope returned to us, and we quickly contacted you."

"What?" Luke softly replies, "When did this happen?"

"When the First Order rose again."

Rey becomes sorrowful, now in sympathy. Luke remains steadfast. He continues, "I have a feeling that these two events are connected. We will help you and save this planet."

The Wotuins begin to exhibit expressions of great hope again. One of the younger Wotuins points to Rey and asks, "Who is she?"

Luke tells him, "Her name's Rey, and she's my apprentice."

Rey is taken back for a second time; she looks baffled, and cannot imagine what other surprises this new Luke has up his sleeve.

A Wotuin and the duo are walking towards a large carrier ship. The Wotuin tells them, "We do not know where these rogues are hiding. We will provide you with the last of our Grand Carriers, which can refuel your starfighters and traverse the seas, greatly aiding you in your investigation. You are free to use whatever weapons and tools you find aboard these ships. But be careful; every one of us who tried to look for the cause has never returned. You will also be able to communicate with us using these transmitters. May the Force be with you."

A montage of Rey, Luke and their droids, traveling on the Grand Carrier, is seen. They travel through the open sea to large lakes and swamps, stopping on land to find clues in the forests and mountains as to where the disruptions are coming from. They hunt, fish, and camp under the stars. One time, when they're fishing, Luke is pushed back by a fish who looks up at him; Luke remarks to Rey, "That fish just used the Force!" They seem worried, knowing the Force disruptions are getting worse and worse, but soon laugh it off. Later, Rey and Luke are seen practicing swordplay. Luke also teaches her how to live like a hermit who lives off wild plants.

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