Chapter 21- History

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Rey walks into the house. Though shabby, it is well lit, and somewhat cozy. The silver liquid that shines through the paths of the city are now sitting still within the home, nearly dry. The glints of sapphire are unpolished and old. She heads into a room and sees Litha on the floor, still playing with the mechanical device, and next to her sits, on a chair, an old woman with purple skin, wings like the Tau, and a scorpion-like tail. She reminds Rey of the old Jurial she had met months ago.

The old woman speaks up with a rough accent, "The name's Drunev. Litha said that she just met you, and that you're a nice one. Didn't you, Litha?" Litha nods. Drunev continues, "She ran off without her mask again. The air here ain't good for her cuz she's got weak lungs. And I was in the middle of a nap. She's lucky she wasn't out there too long."

Now it's Rey's turn to introduce herself. "I'm Rey, I came here with my master, Luke Skywalker, to try to save the Force from being torn apart on this planet."

"Ahh... Luke. He's returned. Yes, continue."

"What's happening around here? Why do the Tau never come out of their homes? Why is everyone so scared? Where did Litha come from?"

"Too many questions!' Drunev blares out, and Rey winces. Now she realizes she's nothing like the old Jurial, at least when she gets annoyed. Drunev continues, "One question at a time! Litha. She is from Tatoonie."

"Luke's home? But that's so far from here."

"She said she was chased by soldiers. Was captured and bound to a ship with other children. Managed to escape and take a pod, and found herself on Inimoni. That much, I know."

"So, you've been caring for her this whole time?"

"For a few days. No one else would risk their lives over some child they've never seen before."

"But why? Why are you the only one?"

Drunev stands up. Her wings flutter. "See these?" Then, her tail swishes. "Now see this? I'm half Tau, half Skor. I've already been shunned by the community. I have nothing to lose if I take in this young girl."

"Why do the Tau and Skor hate each other so much?"

Drunev sighs. "It's a long history. It's not a history any Inimoni outsider would tell you. The Tau and Skor keep it to themselves, so that they can feel superior to outsiders."

Rey walks closer to her. Litha looks up and eyes Rey, and though surprised, Rey softly smiles. Litha smiles back. Drunev continues, "Do you really want to hear it?"

Rey nods.

[Flashbacks are seen]

Drunev begins telling a tale, her voice more hushed and majestic, leaving her rough manner of speaking behind: "Long ago, before the Tau and the Skor, the predecessors of both the Jedi and the Sith tended to the Moktow, who were tasked with guarding incredible powers."

Rey gasps. "The Sith worked with the Jedi?"

"No interruptions! Yes, yes. But they were not close. Both were sects of larger orders, and had been entrusted to oversee the Moktow. A terrible regime, the Faceless, had oppressed their galaxy. Though we don't know much about what the Faceless had done, it's known that only by working together could the two orders defeat them. However, the powers of the regime were found to be indestructible. To keep them away from those who would use them for harm, the two orders sealed them away in immortal guardians who were loyal to their cause. The Moktow guardians were a flock of the purest souls, but were corruptible. Faceless elites were executed, but found a way to live on past death. They whispered into the ears of the Moktow, luring them towards the forbidden energies of the powers they were assigned to guard. The Moktow could not resist. They were manipulated into giving up their bodies to be used as hosts for their deceased corruptors, betraying their purpose for existing. But they did not realize that the powers were enchanted in such a way that they would become repulsed to their new, corrupted forms. The powers were ripped away from the Moktow by the two orders, and manifested as a physical, jade crystal. Without the powers, the Moktow became the Resepi."

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