18: "Bar Fight"

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(Good god, she can literally step on me and I'd thank her... fuck, I'm pregnant)

"A bar fight?" My brother asked with a raised brow and his arms crossed over his school's football jersey. I nod, "Aye."

"Really?" He wasn't convinced. I move pass him to the kitchen for some water. I was beyond thirsty. "Aye," I answer once more. "A'right. Tell me what happened," he challenged.

I grab a water bottle and took a few much needed gulps before I speak. "I was out with Amandla and this lad said something disrespectful, so I stepped in and told him off. He said something crazy that I don't really remember 'cause I was drunk, but next I know, we're pulled apart by security and got kicked out."

"Yeah?" His eyebrows furrowed in interest. I nod, grabbing something to eat.

"Why don't I smell alcohol on you? You smell like perfume or something." He asked, skeptical again.

I keep the smirk that always threatening to show when he asked that. "She took me to her house to clean me up and let me crash on her couch." He hums, going into the fridge for a bottle as well.

"Well, you must really like this girl if you're willing to get messed up like that," he comments and I shrug, "Didn't hurt that much."

"Jade, look at you. You look like shit," he said with disbelief. "I've been through worse, and you know that," I say nonchalantly. There was a brief silence before he speaks up.

"Don't make this a thing," he warns and I look at him funny. "Make what a thing?"

"Fighting," he says simply. "Why would I-," before I could finish, he interrupts me. "When you do something reckless, you always end up making it a habit, Jade. I don't believe you're completely over her and-,"

"You don't know shit, Lexy Boy," I snap, glaring at him. He raises his eyebrows and puts his hands up in defense.

"I'm just telling you the truth. You've been that way since we were kids. Like when I used to follow you to the junkyard so you could beat old cars with a tree branch? Then, in high school, you would burn things or punch holes in the walls when you were cross? Now, it's sex with random women," I stay silent since all of that was true.

There's more things I did growing up, but I don't wanna get into that.

"Don't make fighting a thing," he repeats. I scoff, "Who are you? Dad?" He looks at me seriously, "No, because if I was, then I would've let you lay passed out on the counter and drown yourself in alcohol."

I sigh, knowing that he's right.

Dad never really gave a damn about me. Hell, he made me take his mother's maiden name instead of his while Alex got his surname. All of my brothers do. I remember him saying that I "ruined his gene pool" by being a girl. Fucked up, right? Well, that's toxic masculinity for you.

He was even more pissed when I came out as gay in grade 9. I haven't spoken to him since and I plan to keep it that way.

"I'm sorry, Lex," I say, watching his face relax. He nods, "S'okay. I just care about you, y'know? Complete opposite of Richard Oxlade."

"Aye," I answer with a small chuckle. "This was just a one time thing. I was just defending her," I shrug. He gets this wide grin on his face, "You like her, don't you?"

Only as a friend.

"Yeah," I lie, selling it with a smile. "Plan on dating her for real?"

No, because I'm currently shagging my ex since I'm far from over her and we're gonna try to get back together.

I shrug, "We'll see."

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