21: The Truth

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Hearing those words from her made my heart smile. That's the best way I can describe it. She makes me feel so warm even if our past was cold.

I don't think I've ever loved someone so severely like I love that woman. Not even as much as when we were together.

I've always loved her, but not to the point where even thinking about another woman would make me feel extreme guilt.

She's the only one I want on my mind.

As the days flow by and we continued seeing each other in private, Alex started getting suspicious. Then again, when is he not?

"It's like you're hardly home, now. You're either at work or with Amandla," he expresses while we sit at the table at two am, sharing a tub of ice cream. "I get that you two are, y'know, getting closer, but it gets lonely around here."

"Why don't you call Perrie over?" I ask, putting a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. "Perrie's not my big sister," he states, taking a scoop for himself. I stare at him for a moment, watching as he ate from his spoon tentatively.

He looked kinda like he did when we were kids. Him and I weren't as close given the fact he lived with our dad and our dad isn't a big fan of his only daughter's. So, I didn't see Alex or Christian often.

"C'mon, Lexy. Aren't ye glad I'm gettin' out there and not drinkin' and shaggin' around?" His eyes go from his now clean spoon to me.

"I'm happy for you, I am. I-," he sighs. "I dunno. I guess I'm just being a needy child." I furrow my brows. "No, you're not. You're right, I'm not here enough," I say.

"Jade, it's okay. Really," he says in a tired kind of tone. I shake my head, "Every time I come home, you're either already asleep or just getting up for class."

He scoops up some more ice cream only to drop his spoon into the tub. "I understand, though. You're gettin' back out there and you found someone. I'd much rather you be out with her than moping around about Leigh-Anne."

I cringe a bit, taking a bite of the late night treat.

Alex stares at me, head tilt slightly to the side and eyes squinted in accusation.

Holy shit, did he notice that?

"You're not over her, are you?" He asks, more or less. I lick my lips free of any mess before going in for another bite. "Jade, it's been four fuckin' months. Let her go," he says, rolling his eyes and leaning back in his chair.

I glare at the twenty three year old, "Imagine if you and Perrie broke up. How long do you think it'll take for you to get over her?" I snap. His lips fall into a thin line and he lets out an exhale through his nose.

"That's what I thought," I say, going back to the ice cream. "Me and Perrie are different and you know that," he says, anger filling his words.

I leave my spoon in the tub as well, crossing my arms over my chest. "How?"

"Because we don't go at each other's necks every five fucking minutes. We don't call each other out of each other's names. When we disagree, we actually sit and talk about it. What did you do? Scream over each other until you forget what the fuck you were arguing about in the first place."

I stand up abruptly, blood heating up and fist clenched into fists. "What the fuck do you know, Alex?!"

"You'd bring that shit home! I know what I saw and heard, Jade," he says, mocking my name. "A'right, now you're being a child," I say, rolling my eyes.

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