25: Positive

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For the next week and a half, I've practically been living with Leigh.

It felt domestic waking up with her either next to me or on top of me. Some mornings, when she's the first one up, I'd wake up to the smell of breakfast.

I've missed her so much in the few months we were apart. So, I'm beyond happy that I have my baby back.

And away from that bitch boy, Anthony.

"Good morniiinnngg," comes an angelic voice. My eyes flutter open just as she kisses my forehead. "How'd you sleep?" I just nod, too groggy to even speak.

"Oh, I know," she says with a smirk. I squint at her sleepily, confused about her expression. "What were you dreamin' about?" I give her a weird look, "Wha?"

She looks at me knowingly, then it hit me.

"What was I doin'?" I rasp skeptically. "You were like, oh... yes... there, right there," I know she's mocking me, but the way she sounds has me feeling some type of way.

And I'm still naked from the night before.

"You act as if I've never had a wet dream before," I say and she giggles. "Don't laugh. I remember you rode my thigh until you came."

She shrugs in an unbothered manner, "We had quite a night that night." I sit up and stretch, laughing afterwards. "Aye, a messy night."

"It was, wasn't it?" I nod and she lets out a breathy chuckle. I collect things for a shower and laid my uniform out. "I don't want you to go," she whines, pouting.

I take her jaw in my hand and place a sweet kiss on her lips. "I know, baby. I'll be back later on, okay?" She nods, still pouting. "Can I drop you off?" I smile, nodding and she suddenly gets up.

"In that case, I'm showering with you," she says, gathering her shower supplies as well. "Okay, no funny business, Pinnock," I playfully warn and this woman flips her hair in my face, making her way to the bathroom.

"Thanks, babe," I say sarcastically, following her.

In the time I've been staying at Leigh's, I thought about my little brother. I feel shitty since he's already stressed about school and football, and I was being a dick.

I told Leigh I was gonna be home with him for a few since I miss him.

She was a bit disappointed, but encouraged me to spend time with Alex.

Work was dry. It was a slow day and Mikaela wasn't in today. So, I did my job with my AirPods in through the majority of my shift.

By the end of the day, I was pretty tired so I was so glad Leigh was already outside after my shift was over.

"Hey, baby. How was your day?" She kisses me when I get in the car. "Boring and slow. Why do we need to work to live? It's so overrated," I sigh, leaning my head on the window.

"I felt that." I look over at her, squinting jokingly. "You're a fashion designer. You can work from home."

She shrugs, "Eh, true, but still. Wanna go to mine to change or you wanna go home?"

"Take me to yours. My phone's dead and I left my charger," I reply, closing my eyes as she pulls out of the parking lot.

An hour later, I find myself back at our seemingly empty flat until Alex comes running in like a madman.

"I was just about to call you!" He says excitedly, looking like a hyped up kid. "Is everything okay?" He runs back to his room as I hang my parka up. He comes back with his phone in his hand; he was on FaceTime with Perrie, who looked just as excited.

"Hi, Jade!"

"Hi, Perrie. Can someone tell me why he's over here vibrating?" Alex looks down at his phone, "Show her, babe. Show her," he urges.

I watch with knitted brows as the blonde holds up a white stick. "The bloody hell is that?" I ask, looking at my brother, who looked about ready to explode with enthusiasm.

"We're gonna have a baby!" My eyes widen at the news and the first thing I did was hug him tight. "Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!" I say before messing with his already messy hair.

"Me too. Holy shit, I've always wanted this," he smiles, face pink from sheer happiness. "I already can't wait for the li'le bugga," I say as we break our hug. "Us either. We gotta think up some names."

I couldn't help but smile at the pure joy in Alex's face. He hasn't smiled this hard since our sperm donor took him to see Liverpool for his 12th birthday.

Now, he's about to be a father himself. He's gonna be a great one, I know it.

"If you want, I can watch after the baby while yous work and go to school," I offer and Alex shakes his head. "You don't have to, Jade. You have to work, too."

"I know, but I want to help. Like how we helped Karl with little Karl," I respond and he hums. "I guess you're right. But I don't wanna—," I shush him. "Xander, I'm helping out whether you like it or not," I finalize.

He smiles and pulls me in for a side hug, "Thank you. It means a lot." He then kisses my forehead as if I'm the younger one. "Aweee, you two are the cutest," Perrie says, putting a hand over her heart.

We break away with mock grimaces. "Guess we gotta fight to even it out," he says and I shrug. "Works for me, but I gotta change. I look like work," I say.

"Talk to you later, Perrie. Congratulations."

"Thank you! Talk to you later!" She waves with a huge smile. "Wanna order take away?" I nod, heading to my room.

Wow, Little Alexander, about to be a dad to an actual human. I'd never thought this day would come. Soon, he's gonna get married and have more kids that he'd definitely drop off with me now that I openly offered to be a third parent.

I couldn't help but think about having kids with Leigh-Anne some day. I'm head-over-hills in love with her, I have been since college.

The thought of occupying that massive home, accompanied by a kid and possibly a dog or something; I want that.

I'm genuinely happy that my brother gets to have something like that. He deserves it.

*Does anybody know Baby Mix's names and genders? All I know is one of the twins, Sevn and idk if that's for a boy or girl 🤷🏾

**Also, sorry for the almost year long wait lol😅

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