A / N

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Ah yes, another story. "Well geez author, you sure are giving yourself a lot of wor-" I D G A F. I like writing stories for you guys, so get over it. Now, I wanna take a moment to thank everyone who's gonna read this, because.. yeah, i'm a nice person. 

I wanted to give my boi Bruno some love, because he's had enough trouble trying to take care of his kids.

But, just like the last story, there's no lemon, because i'm Pucc- Yeah just because I don't feel like writing a lemon. 

Another thing, I probably won't update this as normally as my other stories, so if it takes a long time for me to release another chapter, then s o r r y ' b o u t t h a t. 

AnYwAyS, I hope you epic gamers like this story!


Complications: A Bruno Bucciarati x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now